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  1. #1
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    Default Routing question

    Due to a phone upgrade I had to stop using iGO primo since it is not compatible with Android Oreo.
    I managed to install iGO NextGen Gift v. after some sys.txt modding, which works OK.
    I installed the same exact TomTom map I was using with Primo 2.4. The problem I am facing is that the routes the nextgen proposes are worse than primo 2.4. I tried it in rural areas of my home country, where I travel very frequently.
    Have you found any differences in the actual proposed routing from the available android nextgen apks? Do all versions (basar, avic, gift etc.) provide the same routing proposals with the same map, or are there differences amongst them as far as proposed routing is concerned?
    Last edited by _crAss_; 2nd April 2018 at 01:27 PM.

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  3. #2
    iGO Enthusiast Routing question
    Routing questionRouting questionRouting questionRouting questionRouting questionRouting questionRouting question
    Boki's Avatar
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    I traveled a lot through Greece. Using Primo 2.0 on my PDA in car, and on mobiles have Primo 2.4, Avic, Basar, Pal, Israel, same TT maps on all.
    Same routes.

    There are differences in the routing between providers. I was comparing Here and TT few years. Before that I used Epsilon.
    More liked and seemed more natural to me routing via TT maps. So I've only used them in recent years.
    In fact, when analyzed a little deeper, you can get an identical route from both publishers, with different settings.
    But, the route I'm creating on WinCE Primo 2.0, Android Primo 2.4, and Avic for example, with the same TT map, are identical in all cases.

    Pay attention only to Online traffic. It is active in Greece, and I think it's set in NetxGen by the default to change route even if it is minimal savings.
    Last edited by Boki; 2nd April 2018 at 04:31 PM.
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