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  1. #1
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    Default OpenGL ES implementation in iGO Nextgen

    Hi masters of iGo!

    I'd like to ask everybody for some detail of opengl es implementation in Nextgen. I know (and played with settings about this) about the sys definition of driver in android (gdi, engine, moya, gles_2_0_android). The fact is that my phone supports GL ES 3.1 and i cannot set that in sys. Is the 2.0 definition in sys the same (it is working very well for me) or is it possible to force to other GL ES versions?


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  3. #2
    Important User OpenGL ES implementation in iGO Nextgen
    OpenGL ES implementation in iGO NextgenOpenGL ES implementation in iGO NextgenOpenGL ES implementation in iGO NextgenOpenGL ES implementation in iGO Nextgen
    osiris4isis's Avatar
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    Here is how I tell proggy (running on device that capable of using GLES 2.0) to use GLES 2.0
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    I've not have time to find out how to do GLES 3.0 yet.
    Do not PM me with questions. That's what a forum is for.



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