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Thread: WinCE on Jensen

  1. #1
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    help WinCE on Jensen

    I have a Jensen unit mounted in my truck. I have been reading and searching the forums to learn and get my unit updated. So far I know my unit uses iGo, WinCE, Tom Tom maps, res 800x480. I downloaded the manual to find the sdcard, it was well hidden. I downloaded map packs and copied the Canada map to the sdcard in the correct folder; however, the unit freezes up when I try to use it, no error message.

    So, I assume I need to upgrade the iGo version or a license file? This is where I’m getting confused. There appears to be multiple versions such as, alpine, Israel, truck, Honda, etc. Which one works with Jensen? Is iGo 2.4 the most current? License files appear to be a nightmare, there are hundreds of files to sort through, and I wouldn’t know where to begin.

    I also downloaded the WinCE emulator for fun to see if my sdcard files would run in it, but they do not.

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  3. #2
    iGO Enthusiast WinCE on Jensen
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    As for the emulator - it will not work. The emulator has great limitations, especially when it comes to high content.

    I told you that there is no need for new questions, everything already exists on the Forum, you have to take the time and start reading. A lot
    Before asking a question, know it's already discussed here and at 99.9% is not unique. Use search.
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    Spoiler: obs
    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.

  4. #3
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    Default Thanks, but

    Perhaps every question that could be asked may have already been asked, but finding that finding, filtering, sorting and dating all those posts can be daunting. I can understand when someone asks repeated questions over and over, that you want to minimize this; however, my questions were not so obvious and quite difficult to find answers for. Even your post still did not answer all of them, although it did answer one of them after reading it very carefully. This stuff may be really obvious to you as the moderator, you've seen the same questions over many years; as a newcomer, I would rather not spend weeks looking through posts from 2017-2020 to find data that may or may not be up to date, when someone can quickly give a simple answer to get my unit working in a day or two.

    I'm very familiar with technology, I'm an MCSE and a CCNA, but this stuff is new to me. I used to build BBS systems in the '90's for small business. I didn't know what NaviExtra's or iGo meant, I had not heard of them (I had heard of TomTom). So, yes, I'm ignorant in terms of GPS mapping software. That said, I don't need a guide for folders, it's obvious and an idiot can figure that much out. Much of it is simple now, but some questions remain that I found were NOT answered or were not Obvious in previous posts. So, I beg for a bit of patience and try to be lenient on those that want a solution in a day or two rather than spend weeks reading through each and every post here.

    You did answer a critical question. What version will work with my unit(?): and your answer was the Honda WinCE version. Great! Thank you. That wasn't obvious, but I know now; although may take some configuring to get it working. Who would have thought a Honda mapping version will work with generic models. Many of your links post exclusively to Europe, which is completely useless to me in Canada. And you haven't addressed the license file issue. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of license files with no guide to make it simple (or to explain that I may not need one). I downloaded a licence viewer, and that is what told me I was using TomTom maps, otherwise, I see no other way to identify them as TomTom Maps. Unfortunately, the license viewer does not help me to correctly identify what license I can install for unlimited updates.

    Perhaps if you really want to dissuade new users from posting questions, then make a comprehensive instruction document that encompasses what you know about each system. Your links are helpful, but only go so far, and are not quite comprehensive.

    It's unfortunate the WinCE emulator doesn't run them properly, and that is of interest to me to find a way. Operating systems are my speciality, but WinCE is very very limited.

  5. #4
    iGO Enthusiast WinCE on Jensen
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    Not perhaps - for sure.

    You're a rookie. You have to "waste" time...
    Again, this has been discussed many times for each possible device
    So called Civic have no problems with lics (don't need them more than two already enclosed). Emulator limits are also exactly determined.

    Discussions on the subject of Jensen, again, are not new
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    and few more...
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    Spoiler: obs
    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.

  6. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boki_Srb View Post
    Not perhaps - for sure.
    So, every question that can be asked has already been asked, then why not make a bot and state "don't ask questions here, it's already been answered"? That would save you reading through all these posts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Boki_Srb View Post
    You're a rookie. You have to "waste" time...
    I didn't say I was "waste"ing time. That said, why do I have to waste time. Isn't that very inefficient when you have a number of experts that can answer questions quickly?

    Quote Originally Posted by Boki_Srb View Post
    Again, this has been discussed many times for each possible device
    I disagree. It's a forum to discuss and ask questions. If you don't want a forum, turn this into a Wiki.

    Quote Originally Posted by Boki_Srb View Post
    So called Civic have no problems with lics (don't need them more than two already enclosed). Emulator limits are also exactly determined.
    Thank you, that's very helpful.

    Quote Originally Posted by Boki_Srb View Post
    Discussions on the subject of Jensen, again, are not new
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    and few more...
    I saw these on my search. None of these asked the same questions I did.

    Fortunately, I did get the maps working today with the Honda version. Now if I could just find the post that tells me how to skip the "Accept" button, I would be thrilled.
    Last edited by Boki; 26th May 2021 at 07:07 AM. Reason: approved

  7. #6
    Member + WinCE on JensenWinCE on Jensen
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    There are many CE emulators, including a Russian version that can handle iGO Primo 2.4. Here is the simplest version that works. The resolution and the memory of the storage card (must be created beforehand) can easily be changed in the "PNAEmulator_Start .bat".
    Copy iGO Primo into the created folder and start the "Primo.exe".
    Of course, it should be a "healed" version.

    Spoiler: [url=https://postimages.org/
    i GO auf Emulator[/url]]

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    iGO Enthusiast WinCE on Jensen
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    There is ONLY ONE emulator, and that is Microsoft's. There are a couple of translations and several packages, but it's always the same emulator.
    And, of course - there are limitations that we have established empirically.
    In the case of iGO, they refer to the amount of content (literally, the size of maps and addons) and number of ux files (or skin plugins, zip files...).

    You can read about it in the appropriate topic, there is no need to write here.
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    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.

  9. #8
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    @butterfinger had problems getting Primo 2.4 to work on an emulator. Hence my hint.
    You're right of course, emulator is the wrong term, although there are several versions of that too. (1-3)
    I meant the images running on it, of course.
    And the only image I know on which Primo 2.4 starts at all is the one mentioned above.

  10. #9
    iGO Enthusiast WinCE on Jensen
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    I ran each iGO8, Primo and almost each NextGen under Russian and English emulator packages, and under wince5 and wce6 images. And under different resolutions, I have uploaded many pictures so far.
    As I already mentioned - the limitations are the weight of the content and the number of zip files.

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    This Forum has everything you need...but it cannot give you good will and effort.
    Before asking a question, know it's already discussed here and at 99.9% is not unique. Use search.
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    Spoiler: obs
    Many questions become very arduous, a lot of time chewed deja vu...Since we have lost all the year of work and effort, many people have no will to answer the same questions again. Me neither. Use a search, please.



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