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Thread: IGO map query

  1. #1
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    Default IGO map query

    Hello, I have some doubts regarding the maps Here Q2_2019, running on a tablet with iGO Primo, it does a strange thing, you get into strange places, it takes you off the highways and puts you on national roads, and the route adjustments are fine configured; You put the Here Q4_2018 maps and it goes perfect, it makes good routes. Anyone know what happened? Is there any corrupt file?
    I hope someone can tell me something about this problem. Thank you.

    Working on an android tablet with iGo Primo 2.4_9.6.29.468978. (in truck mode). The problem is not of this program, because the same maps Here Q2_2019 we put them in another iGO Primo with wince system and also in iGO Primo Nextgen, in all the same failures, so my conclusion is that the maps Q2_2019 have to have a problem, at least in Spain. Has the same thing happened to someone else?

    Here is an example: the route is Guadix to Alicante (Spain). It does everything right but look what it does with the Here Q2_2019 maps, at the height of "Baza" it takes you out of the highway and makes you a strange thing, something that with another older map does not do those weird (see photos) .

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    Last edited by ajremon; 7th October 2019 at 10:49 AM.

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    IGO map queryIGO map queryIGO map queryIGO map queryIGO map queryIGO map queryIGO map query
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