ill probably get blasted for this...

ive just had the above headunit installed and was offered maps etc for it for around 300 (nzd)

ive looked around the forums for the last few days and tried a number of different bits and pieces from here to no avail.

im in New Zealand, have found the map packages etc. but am having no end of trouble getting navigation software to work.

ive renamed RTNavi mobilenavigator etc sys.txt
starting to think i was lead astray with the correct version of primo i need to have to work on this headunit.

it is a clean SD card, no other folders etc.
upon inserting and hitting navigation (top left of the screen, or the shortcut button above the volume/power dial) i get no change what soever, just a beep and then me expecting some loading screen or at least an error to come up.

i was hoping for a first time setup menu or even some form of setting up from within the headunits settings menu (which there is none around)

anyone have ideas on getting this unit to start reading cards and possibly where i get the correct versions of things and sys.txt rewriting info??

any help you guys can provide is huuuuugely appreciated