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    Important User iGO Screen, Aspect Ratio and resolution's
    iGO Screen, Aspect Ratio and resolution's
    wojpen's Avatar
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    Default iGO Screen, Aspect Ratio and resolution's

    Welcome Navigators - promised a colleague @ M0rr15 help and explanation - it is this:

    The authors iGO Programme - developers (the company NNG) created a program interface (included inside data.zip) in three options:
    / Some believe that it is still 320x240 option - but officially it does not exist/.

    Manufacturers of equipment (phones, smartphones, tablets and other display devices) form the many different screens - not only in the resolution indicated above - so that the image was displayed correctly - must be programmatically adjusted to one of these three basic interfaces;
    This means that for all existing screens -iGO stretch or compress the image (base interface) to the actual screen size of the device.
    OKAY. but the interfaces are 3 - so you need to "help" program to chose the right one.
    And so:
    To properly adjust iGO installed to your device, you need:
    1.Ustalić the actual screen size (you can use free programs from Android Market - ScreenSize or Screen Spec)
    2. Then, refer to the screen size of the existing base interface to determine which of them would be optimal to use.
    And here is bowing to the "screen ratio"
    The following standards currently exist artwork, screens etc.
    4: 3
    16: 9
    These are typical - almost normative standards which do not specify anything else but "Aspect Ratio"

    We will change it in a more readable form:
    4/3 = 1,333
    16/9 = 1,778
    16/10 = 1,60

    If we take interfaces "basic" we have:
    480x272 - 480/272 = 1.765 (ca. 16/9)
    800x480 - 800/480 = 1.667 (ca. 16/10)
    1024x768 - 1024/768 = 1.333 (ca. 4/3)

    As you can see, each base interface corresponds to a different standard (aspect ratio)!

    What's next?

    We have our device screen size - eg .:
    Asus Padfone - res. 960x540 -> 960/540 = 1.778 which corresponds approximately to the interface 16: 9.

    SONY Z2 - res. 1920x1080 -> 1920/1080 = 1,777 which corresponds to interface 16: 9.
    Lenovo Yoga 2 8 "- 1920x1200 -> 1920/1200 = 1.6 which corresponds to interface 16:10

    In terms of interface, 16: 9 and 16:10 differences in viewing are not very noticeable, but already spinning compared with 16: 9 - 4: 3 high (for comparison, look at the TV when changing the aspect ratio).

    Must also be remembered that in similar proportions - the use of the interface "higher" will result in a larger screen (letters, keys, symbols, etc. will be bigger!) - This is quite an interesting feature which can be replicated Those who want bigger or smaller screen - I wrote about it in this post -> [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    WHY THE CHOICE OF INTERFACE (FORCED aspect ratio) so important?
    If you have a look to data.zip - you will ui_android folder.
    Inside it there are m. The other - 3 (or less) Base folders, and file multimode.ini

    The folders contain a number of basic graphic elements - tailored to each that are displayed on the screen.
    So, if badly will determine the base interface, the elements on the screen will be at least strange look (too big, too small, illegible, etc).

    Similar to the above is the role of folders in the file skinxxx.zip - there is also a ui_android folder and the files in folders interface and file info.ini

    The underlying folders I wrote, it's time to multimode.ini and info.ini

    multimode.ini is a file that contains information about the terms of resolution, these interfaces are supported FOR IN base - both in the landscape and portrait.
    Let's look at an example contents of the file:

    ; mx = WidthMin..WidthMax, HeightMin..HeightMax, Folder
    ; OR
    ; mx = Width, Height, Folder

    m1 = 400..480,196..320, "480_272"
    m2 = 234..320,400..480, "480_272"
    m3 = 768..960,400..600, "800_480"
    m4 = 480..600,700..960, "800_480"
    m5 = 1024..1280,552..800, "1024_768"
    m6 = 600..800,960..1280, "1024_768"

    Another parameters m - define the size described in the headers (lines preceded by/;/)
    And yes:
    m1-size min and max in the system landscape interface 480_272
    m2 - as above, but for the portrait
    m3 - as above for lanscape interface 800_480
    m4 - as above for a portrait interface 800_480
    m5 - as above for landscape interface 1024_768
    m6 - as above for a portrait interface 1024_768

    And this is just a place where we can make changes in order to adjust our screen resolution to appropriate - the selected interface.

    If after installing iGO there is an error - "User interface resolution [... х ...] is not supported ..." - it is here that the most common errors are to be eliminated - by entering the appropriate size of your screen resolution!

    File info.ini - fulfills a similar role as multimode, but in terms of supplements skin

    name = "GjAk_v2.2_AriNe-38"
    needs_restart = 0
    default_night_skin_dir = skin_night
    supported_resolutions="1920_1080,1080_1920,1080_1845,1920_1005,1794_1005,1080_1701,1794_1080,1080_1776,1776_1080,1280_800,800_1280,1280_755,800_1235,1280_736,800_1205,1280_720,1280_703,800_1172,1280_674,720_1234,720_1280,1280_670,720_1230,1200_670,720_1134,960_540,540_960,960_502,540_922,888_540,540_888,854_480,480_854,480_762,800_442,480_800,800_480,800_448,480_768,800_435,800_440,480_755,480_760,800_432,480_752,740_440,480_710,1024_552,600_976,768_1184,1196_768,1280_752,800_1232,1280_755,1024_768,768_1024,1024_600,600_1024,1280_750,800_1230,800_444,480_764,800_425,480_745,1184_670,720_1184,1184_720,1196_720,1196_674,720_1138,1280_768,768_1280,768_1230,1280_718,960_552,600_912,960_529,600_889,918_540,540_912,960_512,540_932,540_850,888_502,960_503, 540_923,960_557,600_917,1280_777,800_1257,1280_775,800_1255,1184_718,768_1134,1024_695,768_976,800_1183,800_1216"

    If after installing and starting running navi, but there is no choice in the skin - it is precisely in this file you need to check whether it contains your resolutions!
    It must be written in such a way:
    1920_1080,1080_1920 (horizontal and vertical)!
    If the lack of it - you have to enter "the finger"
    At the end a little help - thanks to the work Colleagues from the East - some sample assignments for interfaces Devices base and files multimode.ini
    / Many thanks to colleague argonopa !!! /

    Fix a material to help beginners and to get ready data on many screens:

    Spoiler: 320/240

    320/240= 1.333 (4: 3) ----- need data.zip archive to a folder: data.zip \ ui_android \ 320_240
    ; mx = WidthMin..WidthMax, HeightMin..HeightMax, Folder
    ; OR
    ; mx = Width, Height, Folder
    m1 = 320..480,196..320, "320_240"
    m2 = 240..320,290..480, "320_240"
    Samsung Galaxy GT-S6102 Duos

    Spoiler: 480/272

    480/272= 1,765 (16: 9) -------------------- data.zip \ ui_android \ 480_272
    ; mx = WidthMin..WidthMax, HeightMin..HeightMax, Folder
    ; OR
    ; mx = Width, Height, Folder
    m1 = 380..490,190..330, "480_272"
    m2 = 230..330,350..490, "480_272"

    Spoiler: 480/320

    480/320= 1.5 (nearer 16:10) ------------- data.zip \ ui_android \ 480_272
    ; mx = WidthMin..WidthMax, HeightMin..HeightMax, Folder
    ; OR
    ; mx = Width, Height, Folder
    m1 = 380..490,190..330, "480_272"
    m2 = 230..330,350..490, "480_272"
    Samsung Galaxy Ace
    Samsung Galaxy Player 3.6 (YP-GS1)
    Samsung Galaxy Young GT-6310

    Spoiler: 800/480

    800/480= 1,667 (16:10) ------------------ data.zip \ ui_android \ 800_480
    ; mx = WidthMin..WidthMax, HeightMin..HeightMax, Folder
    ; OR
    ; mx = Width, Height, Folder
    m3 = 720..980,380..600, "800_480"
    m4 = 350..600,680..980, "800_480"
    Explay SLK5
    Fly IQ441
    Goclever T76GPSTV
    HTC Desire
    HUAWEI U8860
    Lexand STA-6.0
    LG Optimus L7, P700
    Samsung ACE 2
    Samsung GT-I9082 Galaxy Grand Duos

    Spoiler: 854/480

    854/480= 1,779 (16: 9) -------------------- data.zip \ ui_android \ 800_480
    ; mx = WidthMin..WidthMax, HeightMin..HeightMax, Folder
    ; OR
    ; mx = Width, Height, Folder
    m3 = 720..980,380..600, "800_480"
    m4 = 350..600,680..980, "800_480"
    Sony Xperia M / M Dual

    Spoiler: 960/540

    960/540 = 1,778 (16: 9) -------------------- data.zip \ ui_android \ 800_480
    ; mx = WidthMin..WidthMax, HeightMin..HeightMax, Folder
    ; OR
    ; mx = Width, Height, Folder
    m3 = 720..980,380..600, "800_480"
    m4 = 350..600,680..980, "800_480"
    HTC One S
    Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini
    Samsung SM-A300 Galaxy A3

    Spoiler: 1024/600

    1024/600= 1.707 (closer 16: 9) --------- data.zip \ ui_android \ 800_480
    ; mx = WidthMin..WidthMax, HeightMin..HeightMax, Folder
    ; OR
    ; mx = Width, Height, Folder
    m3 = 900..1050,450..620, "800_480"
    m4 = 550..620,850..1050, "800_480"
    Flytouch 8 tablet PC
    Samsung Galaxy Tab3 7.0
    SmartBook Surfer 360 MN10U

    Spoiler: 1024/768

    1024/768= 1.333 (4: 3) -------------------- data.zip \ ui_android \ 1024_768
    ; mx = WidthMin..WidthMax, HeightMin..HeightMax, Folder
    ; OR
    ; mx = Width, Height, Folder
    m5 = 900..1100,500..800, "1024_768"
    m6 = 550..800,800..1100, "1024_768"
    Galaxy TAB

    Spoiler: 1280/720

    1280/720= 1,778 (16: 9) ------------------ data.zip \ ui_android \ 1024_768 IMHO *
    ; mx = WidthMin..WidthMax, HeightMin..HeightMax, Folder
    ; OR
    ; mx = Width, Height, Folder
    m5 = 950..1300,500..800, "1024_768"
    m6 = 550..800,900..1300, "1024_768"
    DAGGER DG550
    Philips 8510
    Samsung Galaxy S3
    Sony Xperia Z1 Compact
    THL W200
    THL W200S
    THL W8
    Xiaomi Mi-Two

    Spoiler: 1280/768

    1280/768= 1,667 (16:10) ---------------- data.zip \ ui_android \ 1024_768 IMHO *
    ; mx = WidthMin..WidthMax, HeightMin..HeightMax, Folder
    ; OR
    ; mx = Width, Height, Folder
    m5 = 950..1300,500..800, "1024_768"
    m6 = 550..800,900..1300, "1024_768"
    Google Nexus 4

    Spoiler: 1280/800

    1280/800= 1,6 (16:10) -------------------- data.zip \ ui_android \ 1024_768 IMHO *
    ; mx = WidthMin..WidthMax, HeightMin..HeightMax, Folder
    ; OR
    ; mx = Width, Height, Folder
    m5 = 950..1300,500..820, "1024_768"
    m6 = 550..820,900..1300, "1024_768"
    Asus Transformer Pad TF300TG
    Google Nexus 7
    Samsung Galaxy Note N8000
    Samsung Galaxy Tab2 10.1
    Samsung Galaxy Tab3 10.1 P5200
    Samsung Galaxy Tab4 8.0

    Spoiler: 1920/1080

    1920/1080= 1,778 (16: 9) ---------------- data.zip \ ui_android \ 800_480
    ; mx = WidthMin..WidthMax, HeightMin..HeightMax, Folder
    ; OR
    ; mx = Width, Height, Folder
    m3 = 1500..1950,700..1250, "800_480"
    m4 = 800..1250,1400..1950, "800_480"

    HTC One
    HTC One M8
    Samsung Galaxy Note 3
    Samsung Galaxy S4
    Samsung SM-G900F Galaxy S5
    Sony Xperia Z
    Sony Xperia Z1,Z2
    THL T11
    ZOPPO 980

    Spoiler: 1920/1200

    1920/1200= 1,6 (16:10) ------------------ data.zip \ ui_android \ 800_480
    ; mx = WidthMin..WidthMax, HeightMin..HeightMax, Folder
    ; OR
    ; mx = Width, Height, Folder
    m3 = 1500..1950,700..1250, "800_480"
    m4 = 800..1250,1400..1950, "800_480"

    Lenovo Tab S8
    Sony Xperia Tablet Z LTE

    Spoiler: 2048/1536

    2048/1536= 1.333 (4: 3) ------------------ data.zip \ ui_android \ 1024_768
    ; mx = WidthMin..WidthMax, HeightMin..HeightMax, Folder
    ; OR
    ; mx = Width, Height, Folder
    m5 = 1600..2100,1100..1600, "1024_768"
    m6 = 1200..1600,1500..2100, "1024_768"

    CUBE Talk79 (U55GT-C8)
    Pipo M6

    Spoiler: 2560/1440

    2560/1440= 1,778 (16: 9) ------------------ data.zip \ ui_android \ 1024_768 IMHO *
    ; mx = WidthMin..WidthMax, HeightMin..HeightMax, Folder
    ; OR
    ; mx = Width, Height, Folder
    m5 = 1900..2600,1000..1600, "1024_768"
    m6 = 1100..1600,1800..2600, "1024_768"

    LG G3
    Samsung SM-N910C Galaxy Note 4

    Spoiler: 2560x1600

    2560/1600 = 1,6 (16:10) ------------------ data.zip \ ui_android \ 1024_768
    ; mx = WidthMin..WidthMax, HeightMin..HeightMax, Folder
    ; OR
    ; mx = Width, Height, Folder
    m5 = 1900..2600,1200..1700, "1024_768"
    m6 = 1300..1700,1800..2600, "1024_768"

    Google Nexus 10
    Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 LTE (2014)
    Samsung Galaxy Tablet Pro 8.4

    * If the resolution recommended me to another aspect ratios still image on these screens will look better, it also applies to the size of the buttons and readability of fonts, but you can always try and data.zip with the basic interface of 800x480.

    Regards wojpen

    How to use the attached examples multimode.ini?

    If someone has your file multimode.ini - eg. How the topic:

    ; mx = WidthMin..WidthMax, HeightMin..HeightMax, Folder
    ; OR
    ; mx = Width, Height, Folder

    m1 = 400..480,196..320, "480_272"
    m2 = 234..320,400..480, "480_272"
    m3 = 768..960,400..600, "800_480"
    m4 = 480..600,700..960, "800_480"
    m5 = 1024..1280,552..800, "1024_768"
    M6 = 600..800,960..1280, "1024_768"

    and I need to reassign the base interface - eg. 800x480 resolution to another - can do this in two ways:
    *change the entries for a particular base interface - in this example - lines m3 and m4
    eg. as
    m3 = 720..980,380..600, "800_480"
    m4 = 350..600,680..980, "800_480"
    Put the character / ; / before the existing line,
    and below add
    m3 = 720..980,380..600, "800_480"
    m4 = 350..600,680..980, "800_480"
    - Solution II is slightly better - because what information leaves the resolution were before.

    Note: Of course, we remember that changes made in files unopened - eg. Using Total Comander
    Last edited by wojpen; 11th August 2015 at 07:26 AM. Reason: spoiler's add.

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  3. #2
    Junior Member
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    Very useful information indeed.

    I am trying to change the {multimode.ini} as you describe above and that is why I copied the {data.zip} to my computer and opened it with WinRAR.

    Whatever change I make as soon as I copy back to my phone the {data.zip} and try to start iGO Primo (I am using version and my device screen resolution is 1280x720) I get an error message saying: “User interface resolution [720x1232] is not supported or compatible skin can not be found. Exiting application.”

    It sounds strange, but I can’t figure out why. Even I do no changes to {multimode.ini} and just open it with Window’s Notepad and just Save it WITHOUT any changes I get the above error message.

    Any ideas please? What I am doing wrong?

    Well it took me about an hour to find it out. I did the question and I am comming back to give the answer! How stupid may the answer be!?!? Well, as I said above, I am using WinRAR (to be accurate I am on version 5.11) and this was the reason of corrupting {multimode.ini}.

    If you want to make changes to the file {multimode.ini} which is part of {data.zip} file, placed inside the folder {ui_android} you (who are using Windows 10) things are simple; DO NOT USE WinRAR! Jjust right click {data.zip} --> Open with --> Windows Explorer, double click {ui_android}, select {multimode.ini} and copy (CTRL + C) and then paste (CTRL + V) it wherever you want (e.g. on your desktop).
    Open it using notepad, change it, save it. Then select the file (e.g. from your desktop) copy (CTRL + C) it and then paste (CTRL + V) it back in the archive which you have opened with Windows Explorer (and NOT with WinRAR).

    Funny, isn’t it? Well yes it is… but it worked!
    Last edited by Boki; 11th October 2018 at 06:09 AM. Reason: disrespect of forum rules

  4. #3
    Global Moderator iGO Screen, Aspect Ratio and resolution's
    iGO Screen, Aspect Ratio and resolution's
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    Best way to edit any ZIP file without corrupting it is to use [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].
    MB Moon night sky
    Please read: >[Only registered and activated users can see links. ]<, >[Only registered and activated users can see links. ]< and >[Only registered and activated users can see links. ]<
    Password for all my uploads (if needed): gpspower.net



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