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  1. #51
    Important User Garmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginners
    Garmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginners
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    please refer to this guide
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    all the maps here
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    unlockers ,voices and vehicles and tools like mapsource or softs to manage maps
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    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

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  3. #52


    10x , it realy helped me alot, now for a little info

    Related to those 4 ( MAX ) maps , that is truly the limit i had tested it and it says that too many maps ( and an ok button ). Although, i've just dl the WORLD base map with medium detail ( the 200mb version ) and i've puted it on my mobile XT v5.0.50 and tryed to start with 3 maps ( incl. the world one ) and i got the err above.
    But on the other hand the free one is ok eneough and so i could add up to 3+1 maps on my dev. and i'm happy...
    Although, i gotta ask here smth, sry if little off topic, but... i get a little bit of an err, at cities from Germany ... or Greece, when i choose to see the list of the cities i see the first...God knows how many cause i got borred ... x cities with digits... like 01,02,...115,....118 and so on ( if i choose letter a,b,c everything runs ok, i guess...) The wierd thing is that when i sellect that city ( digit like ) i get the name of the streets in normal order, and therefor valid addreses... Why is that ???? ( i have user mapsource to put them and EU_FULL_2010.1NT )
    Got any clues ?
    10x in advance

  4. #53


    I just came back to using Garmin XT on WM and MapSource under Win 7. What I do not yet understand is the directory and file locations on the PC side. And is it just me or Garmin is thrifty on documentation. BTW, I actually paid for all those bytes (ok, laugh)


  5. #54
    Master Kta.Dumdum's Avatar
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    Is there any way to make a garmin map work on android. With any gps program.
    Thank you

  6. #55
    Important User Garmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginners
    Garmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginners
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kta.Dumdum View Post
    Is there any way to make a garmin map work on android. With any gps program.
    Thank you
    No sorry, Garmin maps work just with Garmin software
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    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  7. #56


    I have a samsung omnia and have garmin mobile xt 4 loaded (tried to load 5 but it locked up my phone) I can't figure out how to change the vehicle or the voice in it. Please help!

  8. #57
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    I got the error code error e032: layer 0 can not be empty....
    Pls help...


  9. #58
    Important User Garmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginners
    Garmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginners
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    Quote Originally Posted by luckyse7en View Post
    I got the error code error e032: layer 0 can not be empty....
    Pls help...

    to install properly Garmin XT on your phones follow this guide please, step by step
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    To change a vehicle add it in vehicle folder on your Garmin directory then go to tools/settings /Map/vehicle and choose it
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    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  10. #59
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    Hi Catymag, Thanks for your wonderful support in the GPS section.
    I am a newbie. i have a few questions. Iam from india and i run Garminxt on s60 symbian Nokia N82. I have installed garmin xt as per your tutorial and is running fine with latest mmi maps.

    Now suddenly i am introduced to this

    "Garmin MapSource is a software to manage your mapsets, routes and waypoints. Garmin MapSource will transfer maps and waypoints to your device. You need a special mapset to use with Garmin MapSource. But we have the way to import other Garmin format mapset into Garmin Mapsource"

    i really dont get this? what is this map source? what is it used for?. dont maps just work by placing the maps on my memorycard and naming them gmapsupp, gmapsup2,3 what ever?. dont the poi which i have saved in one map get automatically transfered from one map on my mobile to other automatically?. can you please explain in detail or direct me to some link where i can learn about this mapsource and what way i can benefit from using it in concordance with my garmin mobile xt? thanks

  11. #60
    Important User Garmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginners
    Garmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginnersGarmin  Mobile XT things to know : lesson for beginners
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    Mapsource is a Garmin software to manage and send maps to gps
    read this from :have you downloaded a Mapsource version?
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    and Mapsource and other programs section
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    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600



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