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  1. #421
    Navigation software expert Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
    Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
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    Answer about what problem you have with patched Nuvi 1300 after update with JCV?
    Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?

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  3. #422
    Senior Member Strephon Alkhalikoi's Avatar
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    I don't have any problems with the 1300. All the features work, including junction view. I simply do not receive a junction view file with the map when the map updates, and even if I did it would be replaced by the Garmin-provided full JCV file. Garmin skimped on the memory for these units in the US as I'm sure most of us are aware, and Garmin provides the full file for direct download from its servers as a response to repeated complaints about lost junction views.
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  4. #423
    Navigation software expert Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
    Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
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    I do not know about this bug! I did not have such problem still...
    Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?

  5. #424
    Senior Member Strephon Alkhalikoi's Avatar
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    Of course you didn't. European and Asian units presumably have additional memory and features not found in the US units. In the US, 1xxx devices have 2GB of internal storage which is no longer sufficient to store the entire map of the United States or North America. Devices like the 1350 and 1390 added Junction View, but those devices are now getting 50MB Junction View files on downloading a map update because of the space constraints.

    For me at least, the fact I don't automatically receive a Junction View file when I update a map isn't a problem. I'd rather have the 700MB+ junction view file with its 60,000 images versus a 50MB file with perhaps a tenth that amount.
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  6. #425
    Navigation software expert Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
    Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
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    I have some US LMT device too. But I am use this forum tricks for it without problem...
    Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?

  7. #426


    Hi guys!
    I tried the instructions to enable the JCV,LA features on my Nuvi 1200!

    At the beginning in my gps was installed the 5.20 FW version, I tried the SD (the 6.20 version) method to unlock...but without success.
    I read better the instruction :D (it was my fault, I know) and I updated first the gps to the 6.20 version (with the Garmin webupdater tool)
    The updates were fine, I tried again the SD method and this time on the screen was displayed: "Update Loading...." at the end It seemed that all was ok!
    I put the map on the SD: Europe 2014.20 (in SD:\Map\ as usual) and the JCV file (D2504140A) in the .System/JCV folder.
    Nothing happened!

    After I followed the "standard" procedure presents in the first page and the update was ok!
    But at the end, the JCV features continue to don't work!!
    What am I wrong?
    How can I verify that the features have been unlocked?
    I read the file GarminDevice.xml and this xml nodes are displayed:


    So I believe that the features are enable!

    Thank you for the help!
    Have a nice day

  8. #427
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
    Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
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    You have the large JCV file which should work fine in your 1200, the feature is enabled and the file path is correct for the unit. You can also put it in a JCV folder in the microSD's Garmin folder. However, nowhere all major junctions/exits have a JCV associated with them. You will have to find them on a route.

    Try a simulated route from or to any major city using a major arterial multi-lane motorway, scroll thru the route and when you see the words 'Junction View' light up at the base of the screen, press then and you'll see the junction view.
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  9. #428


    Thank you Neil for your response
    I tried to simulate a route, but nothing happened!
    I used one of the major route, highway of my country! It seems that the JCV feature is not enable on my GPS!
    I tried to put the file in the SD:\Garmin\JCV folder, without success!
    I tried also the low-res JCV file (D3084110A)...no luck!
    Thank you

    I'm reading the entire thread, I noticed that in my Inventory section the JCV is not displayed (see post #70 and #71) :°
    Last edited by Kova78; 13th October 2013 at 10:55 AM.

  10. #429
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
    Enable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTSEnable features in your nuvi 12xx, 13xx and 14xx - JCV, LA, TTS
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    In your Inventory [same page as displayed in Post #70] does it show 'B1340-50' beside 'Splash'? It must do, because the JCV path is now in your GarminDevice.xml so therefore JCV is enabled and the problem is elsewhere.
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  11. #430


    NO it shown as D1340-50 2.00
    The inventory is like this:

    Boot BLK B0971-00 6.20 nuvi 1200 Boot Block Software PASS
    X-Loader B0971-00 6.20 nuvi 1200 X-Loader Software PASS
    System B0971-00 6.20 nuvi 1200 System Software PASS
    Basemap F0057-00 2.00 Worldwide Autoroute DEM B8F5A300
    Suppmap Erased
    Suppmap1 Erased
    PROM1 Erased
    PROM2 Erased
    Dlr DB Erased
    Unknown D1074-00 11.00 Time Zone Map 11.00 03BE3B00
    Splash D1340-50 2.00 nuvi narrow+wide, TTS, TRF, L Pass
    Demo Erased
    FTL D1275-01 2.10 FTL Image

    I tried to delete the file mlg_history.db presents in the .System/sqlite folder in order to update again from Webupdater...nothing happened (I did 3, 4 times).
    And after I tried to upgrade from the normal procedure (not SD) and again..nothing happened (I also noticed that Windows didn't delete the hidden file GUPDATE.GCD, so I used Linux to delete it).

    I think that the problem started from the first time that I tried to update via SD method with the 5.20 FW version, what do you think?
    Is it possible to reverse the process and start again from the scratch :D?

    Thank you.
    Last edited by Kova78; 13th October 2013 at 12:19 PM.



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