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  1. #1
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    Default How to create TourGuides for Garmin nuvi models

    How to create TourGuides for Garmin nuvi models. (by lschwabe)

    TourGuide functionality will basically play automatically the sound or narrative associated with a given Waypoint (or Point of Interest-POI) when you are within a certain radius of it, it also allows you to see a picture or read the descriptive text related to that point. This is done by associating a sound file (wav, or mp3 some units) and/or an icon (bmp) and/or an image (jpg) with particular Waypoint entries.

    TourGuides are different to POI alerts, in that the association of the sound or icon is done at the Waypoint level, not at the file level. With POI alerts, the sound applies to all the waypoints contained in one file, not to specific ones, and there is no control to pause the sound file, as the POI alert is typically short, where the TourGuide one tends to be much longer.

    TourGuides do not require all 3 types of files (icon, image, and sound). For example, it can be used to only specify icons per entry, or images per entry, just sound files, or any combination of the above.

    To use TourGuide sound files in nuvi units that do not has an mp3 player, sound files must be wav format, 16 bit, mono, and you must use POI Loader 2.5.2, and you need to install a sox utility for POI Loader to verify the wav files.

    TourGuides is NOT a routing feature, for that you need Routes functionality, so your TourGuide is a touristic kind of TourGuide

    In units that include an mp3 player, TourGuide sound may be stopped and replayed, wav files play whole from start to finish.

    Sound files must contain the case sensitive "TourGuide" text as part of the sound file name.

    The POI file must be in gpx format, not csv, and does not require "TourGuide" to be part of the file name, but see below how to create TourGuides in csv-like text files and then easily convert to gpx format.

    Sound activation requires a proximity to be specified.


    1. use POI Converter from this site
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    the POI Converter JavaScript make the creation of the gpx file very easy.

    2. Check that the Garmin "POI Loader" properties on your Windows desktop to ensure that the "Start in" folder is blanked out, this is important to make sure it finds the "Data" folder when loading POIs.

    3. Create a POI file in a text file, similar in format to the csv POI files, but this file uses two additional values to indicate proximity, and TourGuide folder name for the entry. This file does not require "TourGuide" as part of the filename.

    Text file sample entries:

    -79.123456,43.654321,Name of waypoint one,Description of wp1,750,WpFolderA

    -79.234567,43.543216,Name of waypoint two,"Description of waypoint2

    using multiple lines of text
    followed by a 5th parameter to indicate proximity
    followed by a 6th paramenter to indicate a folder name containing associated
    TourGuide files for this entry",500,WpFolderB

    In this example, the POI Converter utility will:

    •Take the 5th parameter (750 and 500 values) and used them as the distance triggers, placing them in the gpx file proximity tags, and
    •Take the 6th parameter (WpFolderA and WpFolderB values) to create a link to associate the location of where the TourGuide media files are, by creating the required tags in the gpx file (link href="Data/WpFolderA", or link href="Data/WpFolderB") for the above entries. In other words, this will link the POI entries to the TourGuide associated files (icon/sound/image) contained in the corresponding folders.

    Note that the description for a Waypoint can span across many multiple lines, which would be required for lengthy descriptions of TourGuide points, just make sure not to use " (double quotes) within the text.

    4. Create a "Data" folder under your main POI folder, this folder must contain the folders specified in the 6th parameter of the text file.

    5. Place your media files (icon/image/sound) in the "Data/WpFolder" folders.

    6. Convert the enhanced csv-like text file to gpx format by dragging and dropping the .txt file into the POI Converter JavaScript. This will create the gpx file with the same name as the txt file, but with a .gpx extension.

    7. Run POI Loader, and you are ready to go.

    More infos

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    some more infos about this matter [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Last edited by catymag; 10th August 2010 at 03:25 AM.
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

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  3. #2
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    Dear, catymag, am I right in assuming that gpi can be created in semi-encrypted (POI Loader) and highly encrypted (Content Toolkit) format? And Noeman contains links to these two types of gpi-s? Thanks for doing such a great job for GPS community!

  4. #3
    Important User How to create TourGuides for Garmin nuvi models
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    Content Toolkit is in Garmin Software and Tools section
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    for an easy Garmin software search;
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    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  5. #4
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    Catymag, content toolkit seems to be much better way to create POI compared to POI loader. Will definitely give it a try Very nice set of Garmin tools you made
    Definitely took quite a while to make it.

  6. #5


    Dear Catymag:

    Quote "Sound files must contain the case sensitive "TourGuide" text as part of the sound file name."

    Is this really neccesary? I´ve tried naming the .wav or .mp3 files without this text and (I think...) still seems to be working...

  7. #6
    Important User How to create TourGuides for Garmin nuvi models
    How to create TourGuides for Garmin nuvi modelsHow to create TourGuides for Garmin nuvi modelsHow to create TourGuides for Garmin nuvi modelsHow to create TourGuides for Garmin nuvi modelsHow to create TourGuides for Garmin nuvi modelsHow to create TourGuides for Garmin nuvi modelsHow to create TourGuides for Garmin nuvi models
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    Quote Originally Posted by dr.chip.bb View Post
    Dear Catymag:

    Quote "Sound files must contain the case sensitive "TourGuide" text as part of the sound file name."

    Is this really neccesary? I´ve tried naming the .wav or .mp3 files without this text and (I think...) still seems to be working...
    If it works it's ok, may be you can post it here so we can test it in our nuvis
    PS email address isnt allowed as nickname on forum , I should ban you for this, I'll change your nick to :dr.chip.bb . You'll have to log in again with the new nick.
    Last edited by Roger; 29th January 2013 at 06:19 PM. Reason: adjust nick user
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  8. #7
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    Hi. I followed the guide to create the tourguide POI to upload into my GPSr but not successful.
    What I get is just a normal proximity alert sound and display a small text box with waypoint name. The alert did not play the mp3 file and display the jpg file.
    Next I rename the mp3 filename with "TourGuide" in front of the mp3 filename.
    The normal kind of alert did not work this time round.
    What went wrong?

  9. #8
    GPSPower Helper How to create TourGuides for Garmin nuvi models
    How to create TourGuides for Garmin nuvi models
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    Most nuvi's cannot play MP3, What Nuvi do you have ?
    The workaround is to use a Wav File specs below.
    You also need to have SOX.EXE in the Poiloader folder.
    It will not be a real Tourguide but rather a Custom POI with Audio Alert.

    Wav File Specs.
    ID : 0
    Format : PCM
    Format settings, Endianness : Little
    Codec ID : 1
    Duration : 2s 184ms
    Bit rate mode : Constant
    Bit rate : 256 Kbps
    Channel(s) : 1 channel
    Sampling rate : 16.0 KHz
    Bit depth : 16 bits
    Stream size : 68.3 KiB (100%)

    Here is a Wav file that works.

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    Please Read post #1 by CatyMag
    Last edited by dasilvarsa; 15th May 2013 at 04:46 PM.
    The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
    Albert Einstein.

  10. #9
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    Hi dasilvarsa. Mine is a nuvi 2565.
    When I upload using WAV file, the POI loader gave me an error message that said fail to convert WAV file.
    So now I will try to use the WAV file with POI loader 2.5.2 and SOX to upload.
    By the way, what software to see the spec of the WAV file?

  11. #10
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    Hi dasilvarsa.

    Now the audio alert worked, after using the WAV file. However, the jpg image is not displayed. Just a flash of a small text box with the waypoint name displayed.
    How to get the customised jpg image display during the alert?



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