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  1. #11


    Very useful information. However, do yo know how to access the splash screen / intro screen on a Garmin GPSMap 496? I have bought a second-hand one and the previous owner's name appears above the GPSMap 496 text on the screen immediately after you press the power button. I wish to change or erase this part. I don't know what combination of buttons to press to get access to this part.

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  3. #12
    Important User Secret Startup Commands and hidden menus in Garmin devices
    Secret Startup Commands and hidden menus in Garmin devicesSecret Startup Commands and hidden menus in Garmin devicesSecret Startup Commands and hidden menus in Garmin devicesSecret Startup Commands and hidden menus in Garmin devicesSecret Startup Commands and hidden menus in Garmin devicesSecret Startup Commands and hidden menus in Garmin devicesSecret Startup Commands and hidden menus in Garmin devices
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    Look at GPSMAP 496 manual ,pag 196:
    Using xImage for Customized Waypoint Symbols
    xImage allows you to exchange images between your PC and your
    GPSMAP 496. You can download and save screen shots of any
    screen shown on your unit. xImage also allows you to download
    customizable splash screens and waypoint symbols from compatible
    GPS units, customize them (if you have an image editing program
    on your PC), and send them back to your GPS unit.
    You can download xImage from the Garmin Web site at
    Please Login or Register to see the links
    Refer to the help file for complete
    instructions about using xImage.

    Obsolete topic.

    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600



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