Hi !

I'm new to this forum, like to ask help for unbricking my virb elite cam ...

1) Bricked device MODEL, Firmware version, HWID.
Garmin VIRB Elite 3.70 sorry don't know the HWID

2) Why and how the device got bricked.
During FW update. Specified file not found error (or similar).
Maybe my SD card was faulty ...

3) Symptoms: what's wrong in your device?
Can not boot up. Hangs on Garmin LOGO. PC does NOT recognize unit only turns it on (cos of mini USB power...)

4) Does your pc sees your device ?
NO. NOT at all .... That's why I need help. Need to load loader or boot.bin directly via JTAG or don't know any other solutions ...
Hope u find a really easy way ...

5) List all the procedures you already tried to unbrick it and their results and errors messages obtained.
Cos PC can not recognize (if I pluged it in nothing happens, no bubble up, no ding-ding, no unrecognized device) ...

6) Do you have Garmin USB Drivers installed ? Garmin: USB Drivers Updates & Downloads
Of course

7) If you don't know HWID get it by Use program G7ToWin to retrieve your HWID
Don't know it supports it or not

8) Write down if you already read or tried GarminCure3 tool - the new way to create cure firmwares for Garmin devices
How to unbrick a nüvi - step by step guide
Started to read, but my unit can NOT step in preboot (don't know even has it any or not)

9) Can you reach preboot mode? If no ,have you followed this? Garmin Updater.exe v.2.8.0
I couldn't reach it.

10) Probably no , but do you have NV backup?

11) Once you get a reply and a procedure to follow from our experts, please give an accurate reply about what you did and obtained results.

Wait for ur help ! I think I have to open device and go to a lower level, like soldering on PCB and use JTAG or sth similar .... (Hope not)