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  1. #51


    Also when do you turn the unit on?

    ok, tried you method but I find that Updater never actually sees the Nuvi so I never get to press the OK button before if goes into calibration mode. I have the latest version of updater running on a Win 7 laptop. I've confirmed the USB ports work on the laptop and the Nuvi.

    I have tried updater v2.8 and V2.7. Both are not able to see the Nuvi. Is there any chance that my Nuvi may have preboot mode disabled?
    Last edited by Neil; 11th October 2013 at 08:48 PM. Reason: Merged 3 consecutive posts. [Please use 'Edit' button instead to add info].

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  3. #52
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220
    Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220
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    Have you got latest version of Garmin USB Drivers loaded on your PC?
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  4. #53


    HI Neil,

    I finally got the Nuvi to accept the new firmware and it looks as though it is OK. I have another question about editing the xml file to get rid of the message about the traffic file. See below.

    I also had an annoying message at boot time:
    " FM Traffic Provider database missing. Go to Garmin | WebUpdater to download it ."
    Here's how to fix that:
    put your GarminDevice.xml in a USB drive , Garmin folder, edit it in the first lines to prevent it download the sw update and run webupdater, it will detect your USBdrive as your nuvi and will download the traffic provider file in the pendrive.
    After that, put the file in the right position on nuvi-
    Probably it will create the right folder too in your USBdrive , or look at the GarminDevice.xml to find the right path

    Can you tell me which lines in the xml file I should edit and what do I change? And after I edit and copy it back to the Nuvi, Do I run the web updater? I am afraid if I make a mistake with the xml file, it will reload the Nuvi firmware and wipe the zumo.

  5. #54


    Also can you tell me why I need move the GPX, TEXT and Vehicle directories outside Garmin directory on the device?

  6. #55
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220
    Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220
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    If you get the message about the missing Traffic Provider database you need to do this:

    Copy and paste the GarminDevice.xml file from your nuvi backup into a folder named Garmin on a usb flash drive or sd card. Open the xml file with Wordpad or Notepad. Look for this entry near the start:


    Where xxx is the version of firmware that will be read by WebUpdater. It needs to be shown as the latest version of 5xx fw. i.e. the 3 numbers 'xxx' should be '430' at present. That way the program will not try to dl the nuvi 5xx v4.30 fw as it will think the device is up to date. Start WU and check the traffic provider database to download. After it's finished, copy and paste the file to your zumo's .System folder.

    The reason you have to move those other files is that the nuvi 5xx and zumo 220 have different folder structure. As said, put the maps in .System and everything else including Voice from the Garmin folder in the root, leave only the GarminDevice.xml in the Garmin folder.
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  7. #56


    Hi Neil,

    Made the changes and I no longer get the traffic message. I did find that when I copied all the map files from the garmin directory to the .system, I would get an error message on Nuvi "cannot authenticate maps'. When I copied them back, the error message disappeared. Also my current map is on the SD card.

    Thanks again for all your help. The unit now appears to be working normally.

  8. #57
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220
    Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220
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    Your current map is probably unlocked to the SD card ID, so it would then give the 'unauthenticated' message if moved to the unit. Your basemap [gmapbmap.img] and Time Zone map [gmaptz.img] should be put in the zumo's .System folder though.

    Glad you're finally sorted anyway. A bit of a marathon effort for you but these recent posts may help some others attempting this conversion. Cheers.
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  9. #58
    Navigation software expert Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220
    Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220Turn your Nuvi 510 into a Zumo 220
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    Help files for Zumo 660 work fine on the converted device:

    Spoiler: Garmin page




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