MexicoGPSAtlas is the most advanced map for adventure, and Travel Town. Whether you go for a picnic, or bike on a jeep or car, this map guide you all your destinations. If you want to use the adventure to find thousands of routes in the mountains, terracerias, rivers, lakes, and topographic details of the mountains. And if you want for the car, with all the country's roads and streets of most cities in Mexico. And you autoruteo, which tell of how to get to where you want to turn back (If your GPS has it available).
New Features Version 2009:
Comprehensive coverage of all roads and highways across the country including rural roads, terracerias, roads, etc..
Detail streets of more than 2150 cities across the country with all autoruta. Is by far the most complete map of Mexico and Remember, we update every 2 months and even more amunentamos is short and if you've already purchased a map.
Search number of addresses throughout the City Exterior and in some cities.
Points off paramente and hang gliding.
More than 45,000 points of interest (and increasing in each update)
More than 2000 petrol stations throughout the country
Automatic navigation function (order routing) on roads, streets, terracer�as. gaps and villages throughout the country.
Location More than 280,000 people, ranches, and urban and rural locations.
Wide range of urban points of interest such as restaurants, banks, malls, hospitals, government buildings, gas stations, schools and more.
All of Mexico Trailer Parks
Extensive database of geographic reference such as beaches, mountains, rivers, lakes, dams and lagoons.
State and international boundaries
Lakes, rivers, dams, islands, national parks, biosphere reserves.
With elevation of 20 meters in and around Valle de Bravo, 50 meters of the Baja California peninsula and 100 meters for the rest of the country.
what is the id for the map, i want to use it in garmin
I have the correct url but cannt post it
i need 5 posts, 5 posts!, well, ok
can anyone submit the FID for map source of the 2009 mexico map? thankz in advance
The correct link for downloading is [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
sorry for being late,
i donnow the id of this map coz gadev sent me link with noother instructions.
Next time send me pm or send a visitor message
thanks anyway rep+
But i have already posted the updated version in the link i provided, the version in my link is the latest V43. But anyway, great work all of you guys! This is an awesome site! Keep the good work!