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  1. #71
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    HOW TO SPLIT MAPS (and join maps and get MapID)

    I use a tool called: GMapTool v0.3.9
    See: h##p://www.anpo.republika.pl/download.html#gmaptool
    This is a polish site. Sorry, I can not find English instructions.

    Play around with this tool. It is VERY useful. It also lets you find the MAPID for an img file.
    You will also need Jetmouse v1.5.

    To make sure that it worked, I just used GMapTool v0.3.9 on a Greek map. I put the result into my N95 and it worked 100%. You may need to do a bit of reading because it is a bit complicated.

    Basic steps:
    1. I made a copy of an image file (I used a Greek img). I NEVER use originals in case I make a mistake.
    2. Open the img (you want to split) with GMapTool v0.3.9.
    3. Get details (of the img you want to split) from dialog box in GMapTool. It will also show you the MapID (ie the number after the letters FID). You need it for Jetmouse Keygen
    4. Create a new folder on your PC desktop (eg lets call it NewGreeceMap). This is you new destination (ie where the split img files are placed by the GMapTool)
    5. Select correct destination in GMapTool v0.3.9 BEFORE proceeding to split img file
    6. Press split in GMapTool v0.3.9
    7. Select the img file you want from the NewGreekMap folder. Rename the img file you selected to GMAPSUPP.IMG
    8. Using Jetmouse and the MapID, now create a GMAPSUPP.UNL file (this will contain your unlock code which you obtained using Jetmouse)
    9. Place the split img and the unl files into your N95. Works 100%

    I have assumed that you have some idea of what I talking about above. If you don't know, its exciting to learn something new. Remember, GMapTool is very useful. It will even allow you to joining img files.

    Finally, I don't know whether it is proper (so I aplogise to Neoman Admin in advance), have a look at the picture in this link:
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Hope it inspires you to learn more on this great forum

    Regards to all.

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  3. #72
    Master Post here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding Garmin
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    Part 13 of Garmin Eurpe Mapsource 2009 uploaded by me (old link was killed):
    Please Login or Register to see the links
    Nokia N9 16GB Black (RM-696) PR 1.3

  4. #73
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    I cannot seem for the life of me why i cannot get garmin working on my n95 8gb i downloaded the total noob tuturial (Simple Steps of Installation Guide Garmin map on N95) followed it to a tee (hopefully) and when i boot gmobilext and go into settings and go to about i have garmin mobile xt version 4.20.20s60.9 then under that i have unlock then my card id ....also when i go to tools ...where am i all i get is awaiting better gps accuracy no matter how long i leave it to find it .....and if i got to maps all i have is a white screen with 1+ in left corner 3+ in right corner top at the bottom left is speed --.- and right of that heading on the very to it says searching for satellites any body know what is going wrong here >??? also the maps i downloaded are Garmin Mapsource Topo Great Britain v2 and also everyone goes on about gmapsupp.img i cannot find any of this in three maps i have downloaded also when i have downloaded the map do i just copy the hole folder to mmc garmin as it is or do i have to rename it
    Last edited by steffs234; 21st November 2008 at 03:19 PM.

  5. #74


    how can we put voices in the garmin xt programme??
    I've installed Garmin on my N95, it works perfectly.., but it's a little bit slowwly... And I dont have any voice in the programme..

    So please help me?

  6. #75
    Master Post here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding Garmin
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    Quote Originally Posted by steffs234 View Post
    I cannot seem for the life of me why i cannot get garmin working on my n95 8gb i downloaded the total noob tuturial (Simple Steps of Installation Guide Garmin map on N95) followed it to a tee (hopefully) and when i boot gmobilext and go into settings and go to about i have garmin mobile xt version 4.20.20s60.9 then under that i have unlock then my card id ....

    also when i go to tools ...where am i all i get is awaiting better gps accuracy no matter how long i leave it to find it .....

    and if i got to maps all i have is a white screen with 1+ in left corner 3+ in right corner top at the bottom left is speed --.-

    and right of that heading on the very to it says searching for satellites any body know what is going wrong here >??? also the maps i downloaded are Garmin Mapsource Topo Great Britain v2 and also everyone goes on about gmapsupp.img i cannot find any of this in three maps i have downloaded also when i have downloaded the map do i just copy the hole folder to mmc garmin as it is or do i have to rename it
    OK, do you have a SW.UNL file? This made by generating a 25 character code from the gen using you card id. Copy and paste the code into notepad, select save file type as "All files" and save it as "SW.UNL" (no "'s). Copy it to the "E:\Garmin\" directory. This will allow your internal GPS to be used.

    As for GPS signal, to be truthful, its sh***! You can only really get one on a good clear day while outside or near a window. I would just invest in an external GPS receiver which can be used with future phones without AGPS. You can pick up a decent 52 channel one for around £30. Once you do get locked on however, with or without an external BT one, Garmin works really well.

    As for the white map, this is because you have not installed you maps and base map correctly. Copy ALL maps to the "E:\Garmin\" directory. Maps end with the ".IMG" extension. To unlock the map, it must be sent over with mapsoure to unlocked using a code from the gen with the correct map id (278 i think for Europe/UK 2009, 196 for Europe/UK 2008) and place the 25 character code into "GMAPSUPP.UNL", saved in the same way as "SW.UNL" and place in the "E:\Garmin\" directory. For more than 1 map, call them "GMAPSUPP.IMG", "GMAPSUP1.IMG", "GMAPSUP2.IMG" etc. etc., same with the ".UNL" file for them.

    And is the TOPO map in a zip/rar archive? If so, extract it and copy to the "E:\Garmin\" directory.

    Quote Originally Posted by 09kezman09 View Post
    how can we put voices in the garmin xt programme??
    I've installed Garmin on my N95, it works perfectly.., but it's a little bit slowwly... And I dont have any voice in the programme..

    So please help me?
    Lookey here mate : [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Was posted on page 1 and you could have searched :p

    Hope this gets you sorted, if not, post again!
    Nokia N9 16GB Black (RM-696) PR 1.3

  7. #76


    oke thanks mate...

    i must put them in the Garmin Map on my Memory Card, don't I?

  8. #77
    Important User Post here please your help request regarding Garmin
    Post here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding Garmin
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mnia786 View Post
    OK, do you have a SW.UNL file? This made by generating a 25 character code from the gen using you card id. Copy and paste the code into notepad, select save file type as "All files" and save it as "SW.UNL" (no "'s). Copy it to the "E:\Garmin\" directory. This will allow your internal GPS to be used.

    As for GPS signal, to be truthful, its sh***! You can only really get one on a good clear day while outside or near a window. I would just invest in an external GPS receiver which can be used with future phones without AGPS. You can pick up a decent 52 channel one for around £30. Once you do get locked on however, with or without an external BT one, Garmin works really well.

    As for the white map, this is because you have not installed you maps and base map correctly. Copy ALL maps to the "E:\Garmin\" directory. Maps end with the ".IMG" extension. To unlock the map, it must be sent over with mapsoure to unlocked using a code from the gen with the correct map id (278 i think for Europe/UK 2009, 196 for Europe/UK 2008) and place the 25 character code into "GMAPSUPP.UNL", saved in the same way as "SW.UNL" and place in the "E:\Garmin\" directory. For more than 1 map, call them "GMAPSUPP.IMG", "GMAPSUP1.IMG", "GMAPSUP2.IMG" etc. etc., same with the ".UNL" file for them.

    And is the TOPO map in a zip/rar archive? If so, extract it and copy to the "E:\Garmin\" directory.

    Lookey here mate : [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Was posted on page 1 and you could have searched :p

    Hope this gets you sorted, if not, post again!

    Copy and paste the code into notepad, select save file type as "All files" and save it as "SW.UNL
    great Mnia but i know it's the same old story:
    (caution! you must remove txt ext with xplore coz you cant see it in windoz)
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  9. #78
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    guys a special note for india and garmin......
    dont upgrade to 5.10 from 5.
    google search somehow goes away which is very helpfull for india where in the search doesnt work.. had to delete everything n reinstall v 5.

  10. #79
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    i benn sruggling to get garmin to work on my samsung i8510, what do you mean by the card id, garmin wont launch so i cant get the card id

  11. #80
    Master Post here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding GarminPost here please your help request regarding Garmin
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    Quote Originally Posted by neild2 View Post
    i benn sruggling to get garmin to work on my samsung i8510, what do you mean by the card id, garmin wont launch so i cant get the card id
    Have you installed v5 or v5.0.010? This has better support for samsung s60 devices. Also, have you run GMobileXT.sis from "E:\" after copying over the files using the auto-installer?

    To get the card id, press options then about and it will be in there (8 characters I think).

    Nokia N9 16GB Black (RM-696) PR 1.3



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