For that you need to get the location of those cameras as POI coordinates.
For garmin, these files are in the Garmin Comma Separated ( *.csv) format.. if they are in other format (for example TomTom uses *.ov2, Google Earth uses *.kml) you can convert them very easily using this freeware: PoiEdit 2007 (
Once you have the files in Garmin format (*.csv, *.bmp the last with the same name as the csv in case you want an icon, for example a transit signal), you need to use Garmin software you can download for free from their site called Garmin POI Loader.
Is this software that takes all your *.csv files together with images (if you have them for each POI) and that makes that *gpi file you have in the POI folder..
Whenever you add a POI you have to add them all at the same time...if you already have a certain *.gpi and you want to add more POI's (for example Restaurants), the previous POI's you no longer have! Remember: add all at the same time!
Now having already a *.gpi probably dunno what POI's are inside of it and i don't think you can use a program to find out but i might be mistaken...
The way to do it is having the *.csv files first then move them with POI Loader to the unit, or directly to the POI folder inside Garmin.
Also the .gpi file doesn't need any .UNL file. If that file has correct POI from safety cameras they should show up where they are...if you downloaded just the *.gpi file, it might be a wrong file or have no POI or whatever... The *.gpi is made by POI Loader from Garmin.
If I can help you more, ask!
