Make sure you dont have an app which is using the E: running. Just reboot then select it, it always works then.
Hi everybody,
since i instaled Garmin, i can't acess my "mass sotrage" mode on my nokia n95..... do you have any idea about this problem???!!!!.
please help..
Make sure you dont have an app which is using the E: running. Just reboot then select it, it always works then.
Nokia N9 16GB Black (RM-696) PR 1.3
Thanks for your reply,
I have taskman installed on my phone, i looked if any apps runing that uses the E but there is none!!(i Killed all the application!) and still have the same problem....
I deleted garmin xt and reinstaled but still occur the same problem!. (notice that before i install garmin first time i made a back up for the entire E root in "mass storage" mode!!!.)
, don't know what to do next!!! any hint please.
Is your taskman installed on E:? This will be the problem if this is the case. Also, is there music playing or something? If anything uses E:, you cannot enter data transfer mode.
Best way is to reboot you phone and dont do anything, connect it to your PC and select data transfer - that should do it![]()
Nokia N9 16GB Black (RM-696) PR 1.3
Thanks Mnia786 for your assistance.
well, my taskman is stored on E but the problem is not from this app. Finaly i solve my problem....
I start ActivFile app. and looked their if any app. was opened, but again nothing runing!!!!!. after that i looked up to all runing process and killed them almost all (even those for system application, except sysapp process!!!! ) AND BINGO everything work just fine now even if i have any app. runing from E......
I think the problem was that some app. was hiden or hung up some where, so when i closed every process, i closed at the same time what was causing the problem...
i reboot, tried many applications, and tried to connect via "mass storage", everything went nikellllllll.....
P.S: I used ActiveFile to kill sys process, because with Taskman i wasn't able to do that (said forbiden to kill sys process!!!! ).
I hope this will solve other people problem!!.
Hi ,
to be more clear, i found exactly the problem source, so i had installed ActiveLock application on my E, and for some reason i ignore, it's process was stuck at the memory, so even i reboot it hadn't solve the problem....
so after i desinstaled this application (ActiveLock), every thing went great!.
Can I Put Garmin gps on an Ifone?
i have speed camera`s in my POI but they dont seem to show when i`m usin garmin