I downloaded and installed the PERUT 0.80 but all the files on this are xxxx.img. Can I use these files in my GPS GARMIN directly?
Here two free editons routable and topo Mapsource compatible maps
[Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
Los Mapas ;-)
Per� Ruteable Mapa Vial
(Per� auto routing road map)
Maps download
Versi�n 0.50, actualizado el 20/01/09
Peru Topo V1Code:Please Login or Register to see the links
Mapa topogr�fico del Per�. (100MB)
Peru Topo Map
Code:Please Login or Register to see the links
Last edited by catymag; 11th February 2009 at 02:11 AM. Reason: added some descriptions
I downloaded and installed the PERUT 0.80 but all the files on this are xxxx.img. Can I use these files in my GPS GARMIN directly?
Please, can someoone tell me where could i get the non removed lonks for Peru Garmin Topo Maps?
this map link working Versi�n 0.50, actualizado el 20/01/09
the other one require registration to the site
You have to navigate to get to the good.
Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600
Where can i register in that site? I've been registered in this 'noeman site'... SO?
I loaded this Peru topo map successfully into Mapsource, but when I try to "select" it to send it to my Garmin 60csx, it won't select. How can I use the Peru map on my 60csx for my upcoming trip to Peru? I looked at the terrific tutorial posted below, but it doesn't apply to my unit.
Many thanks!
It works!!!!
Thank You!