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  1. #41


    post number 4 lenghtneing till 15 chracters blablablablablabla

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  3. #42


    1. This forum requires that you wait 40 seconds between posts. Please try again in 11 seconds.....waiting........finally!!!!!!! the link is the following : [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    this link is coming from another forum so I don;t know for how much time it will be kept alive

  4. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by bassamnak View Post
    The Lebanon map is perfectly routable!!!the only thing not working is the indexing you cannot search for poi's using more than one letter. Downloaded the lebanon map then run the setup you just downloaded, use a software called "mapsource" that you can download form the garmin site, and upload the map into your Cellphone or garmin device.

    This is one of the few forums in the world talking about the lebanon map on garmin so I really hope that someone could upload a new version of the "n@vleb%" or the"Leb%nuvi" or the "orion% auto%vision" map here.Please if you have any links to other forums talking about this particular subject with important information do not hesitate to share them ...thank u!!!!!
    the probleme is that i am in belgium and i can't test the map from here. Garmin is not that good as a software!!! it is the worth i guess, i prefere igo, tomtom, but unfortunatly , lebanon map is not available for those software. i downloaded several maps for lebanon, but they don't work good on garmin xt, it crashes when i type the first letter in city searching. this one is the most stable so far.
    Last edited by joedoum; 27th November 2008 at 09:39 PM.

  5. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by bassamnak View Post
    post number 4 lenghtneing till 15 chracters blablablablablabla
    same blabla *********************************************************** Posting is good if it is necessary, anyway, now i have 5 posts

  6. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by joedoum View Post
    the probleme is that i am in belgium and i can't test the map from here. Garmin is not that good as a software!!! it is the worth i guess, i prefere igo, tomtom, but unfortunatly , lebanon map is not available for those software. i downloaded several maps for lebanon, but they don't work good on garmin xt, it crashes when i type the first letter in city searching. this one is the most stable so far.

    The lebanon map posted by Azrine in the original post is working on my N95 8 g,it is routables with 30000 POI and sold in lebanon for 150$, it is a mapsource file so you can upload it to any garmin device.I am experiencing some problem with the indexing but that maybe from the garmin mobile xt someone should try it on a garmin nuvi!!!!as for the second map it is FULLY working but only on garmin nuvi devices it is not a mapsource map and you should use a keygen to unlock it here is how :

    download GmapTool and Garmin Keygen v1.3,
    then open GmapTool 0.38 or newer and click "Add Files" and navigate to your map (gmapsupp.img) i.e. F:\garmin\gmapsupp.img and double click on it. Then click the "Write" tab, select "Insert unlock code" and copy/paste the code that you generated with the "Garmin Keygen v1.3". To insert the unlock code into your map just click the "Write" button in the bottom left corner and you're all done.

    follow this post for more explanation :
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

  7. #46
    Important User Garmin Syria and Lebanon maps + New Lebanon mapsource (Detailed Unlocked) upd. 21-11-08
    Garmin Syria and Lebanon maps + New Lebanon mapsource (Detailed Unlocked) upd. 21-11-08Garmin Syria and Lebanon maps + New Lebanon mapsource (Detailed Unlocked) upd. 21-11-08Garmin Syria and Lebanon maps + New Lebanon mapsource (Detailed Unlocked) upd. 21-11-08Garmin Syria and Lebanon maps + New Lebanon mapsource (Detailed Unlocked) upd. 21-11-08Garmin Syria and Lebanon maps + New Lebanon mapsource (Detailed Unlocked) upd. 21-11-08Garmin Syria and Lebanon maps + New Lebanon mapsource (Detailed Unlocked) upd. 21-11-08Garmin Syria and Lebanon maps + New Lebanon mapsource (Detailed Unlocked) upd. 21-11-08
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    Quote Originally Posted by joedoum View Post
    same blabla *********************************************************** Posting is good if it is necessary, anyway, now i have 5 posts

    please dont spam the forum with inuseful post ,read rules please to avoid to get infractions cards
    :1 read rules:
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  8. #47
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    Lebanon maps Zshare link not working. please can you submit another link? thanks

    Map sorce link is good

  9. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by bassamnak View Post
    The Lebanon map is perfectly routable!!!the only thing not working is the indexing you cannot search for poi's using more than one letter. Downloaded the lebanon map then run the setup you just downloaded, use a software called "mapsource" that you can download form the garmin site, and upload the map into your Cellphone or garmin device.

    This is one of the few forums in the world talking about the lebanon map on garmin so I really hope that someone could upload a new version of the "n@vleb%" or the"Leb%nuvi" or the "orion% auto%vision" map here.Please if you have any links to other forums talking about this particular subject with important information do not hesitate to share them ...thank u!!!!!
    Thanks a looott..
    i got the Lebanon Mapsource and i can see it on the mapsource but i cannot send it to the device.. i was not able to select it in order to send it to device..
    i hve Garmin 60CSx..
    can anyone help please how to send the lebanon map from mapsource to device?? the send to device is not working.. it is giving me error message that i should select map, waypoint, tracks in order to send and i am not able to select the map..
    Thanks in advance..
    Last edited by Yamen; 1st December 2008 at 09:07 AM.

  10. #49


    Thanks a looott..
    i got the Lebanon Mapsource and i can see it on the mapsource but i cannot send it to the device.. i was not able to select it in order to send it to device..
    i hve Garmin 60CSx..
    can anyone help please how to send the lebanon map from mapsource to device?? the send to device is not working.. it is giving me error message that i should select map, waypoint, tracks in order to send and i am not able to select the map..
    Thanks in advance..
    you should use the icon "map tool" that will allow you to select a map, once pressed move your mouse toward your map and click.Once selected it will change colors and will be displayed at the left under maps.then you are ready to send it to your device.
    Last edited by bassamnak; 1st December 2008 at 01:57 PM.

  11. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by bassamnak View Post
    you should use the icon "map tool" that will allow you to select a map, once pressed move your mouse toward your map and click.Once selected it will change colors and will be displayed at the left under maps.then you are ready to send it to your device.
    i was trying to use the selection tool where i have to use the Map tool
    thanks again
    it is working now :D
    im so grateful..
    take care all
    and keep the good work guys..



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