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  1. #41
    Member + City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10
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    How about Hebrew voice? They now have certain models that have the Hebrew voice even for Street names.

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  3. #42


    Hello guys! I really need your help!!!
    I have got Nuvi 1240 and just installed the Map through Mapiinstall (on Mac), but I CANNOT find the map on my nuvi!!!!!
    There is no Israel in the list of countries!!

    Can anybody help me please?? I am going to visit israel in 5 days and i need the gps

  4. #43
    Important User City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10
    City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10
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    Quote Originally Posted by flash-bob View Post
    Hello guys! I really need your help!!!
    I have got Nuvi 1240 and just installed the Map through Mapiinstall (on Mac), but I CANNOT find the map on my nuvi!!!!!
    There is no Israel in the list of countries!!

    Can anybody help me please?? I am going to visit israel in 5 days and i need the gps
    follow instructions in post 36
    read too
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    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  5. #44


    Can someone please help a total noob (first post too). I have a nuvi 1250. I downloaded the file listing in the 1st post, unrared and got a 19.856 meg file called gmapsupp.img.

    I then:
    1. Downloaded the GarminUnlockerAlternative_v2.4 file
    2. I unrared and and read the readme file and followed the directions to place the img file in the "locked" folder.
    3. I ran the Unlock Map Directory.exe file
    4. I got an error saying:

    "something is wrong Unlocked MAP not created
    Source IMG file must be in directory named: MAP Locked
    Only one source IMG file same time in directory named: Map Locked"

    Not sure why since I only have the one img source in that folder.

    Can anyone help? I'm stuck and can't use it like this. Maybe I missed a step? The maps on my old GPS are now so out of date they are worthless. I specifically bought the Nuvi to work with this (though am tempted to upgrade to the 1260 to get the bluetooth feature). But the nuvi is worthless to me if i can't get these maps to work. Thank you!

  6. #45



    The files that you get from links in post #1 are already UNLOCKED. No need to trying some unlocker again.

    Quote Originally Posted by catymag View Post
    City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10 -Garmin
    FID 2208
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    unlocked IMG
    copy in a garmin directory
    but this will need a font update from Garmin available for Nuvi 7xx and 1xxx series

    modified version to work in english

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  7. #46


    Thanks. So what else am I doing wrong because when I drop this file into my Garmin system folder and then try to use the Garmin, I see no change whatsoever. When I click "go to map" I only see US map. I don't see any option to get an Israel map.

    From other google searches I found references to using a special app to install maps and something called a webupdater to change the firmware but they did not go into any details at all - as if I should already know where to find this app and what to do with it. Any step by step instructions for noobs? Thanks so much, if I can't get this to work, I'll have to return the gps while I still can.

  8. #47
    Important User City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10
    City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10
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    in your device ,in system folder you should have a map folder, copy it inside but before read here
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    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  9. #48


    I already saw that thread and I can view my system folder. But there is no folder called "maps." I see 5 file folders called:


    I then see the following files listed underneath the folders (not within the folders, just the list tree under "system"):

    006D135900.gpi (GPI File)
    fs_image.ver (VER File)
    gmapbmap.img (Disc Image File)
    gmapbmap.sum (SUM File)
    gmapprom.img (Disc Image File)
    gmapprom.sum (SUM File)
    gmaptz.img (Disc Image File)
    gmaptz.sum (SUM File)
    Locales.xml (XML Document)
    TrafficProvider.xml (XML Document)

    I tried copying and pasting the gmapsupp.img file to be with these other files but when I disconnected the garmin and turned it on, it seemed no different than before. Do I need to do something special to transfer the file over? Do I need a SUM file (whatever that is) to go along with the .img file?

    Thanks so much for your patience with me.

  10. #49
    Important User City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10
    City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10City Navigator Israel NT 2011.10
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    try to rename the img to gmapprom2.img
    . sum files are updates
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  11. #50


    I'm not so sure that gmapprom2.img would be acceptable for a nüvi as mentioned in the previous post. Try gmapprom1.img or gmapsupp.img instead.
    SUM files are just check-sum data calculated when the unit uses the diagnostics mode.

    The normal map IMG files to use:
    • gmapoem.img - Mostly for OEM data with customized POIs for the OEM reseller
    • gmapbmap.img - Basemap
    • gmapprom.img - Preinstalled map
    • gmapprom1.img - Second preinstalled map
    • gmapsupp.img - Supplementary map
    • gmapsup2.img - Second supplementary map
    • gmaptz.img - Time zones
    • gmap3d.img - 3D buildings primary map (only compatible units)
    • gmap3d1.img - 3D buildings secondary map (only compatible units)




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