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    Important User Guide : Making Garmin Custom Maps cgpsmapper pro fully cr@cked
    Guide : Making Garmin Custom Maps cgpsmapper pro fully cr@ckedGuide : Making Garmin Custom Maps cgpsmapper pro fully cr@ckedGuide : Making Garmin Custom Maps cgpsmapper pro fully cr@ckedGuide : Making Garmin Custom Maps cgpsmapper pro fully cr@ckedGuide : Making Garmin Custom Maps cgpsmapper pro fully cr@ckedGuide : Making Garmin Custom Maps cgpsmapper pro fully cr@ckedGuide : Making Garmin Custom Maps cgpsmapper pro fully cr@cked
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    Red face Guide : Making Garmin Custom Maps cgpsmapper pro fully cr@cked

    Sometimes it's just not possible to get the exact map you are looking for to go on your GPS unit ... but the fact is it is possible to create your own!! It's unlikely that you'll want to re-create the whole of the US or Europe - but you may want to create one for your local golf course (complete with water hazards) or your local lake (complete with sand bars) !!

    You'll need to download a few tools from the net ... and it does take some time to define and draw up your map. But you may find it interesting and it puts into perspective the vast amout of work and detail that goes into the commercially available maps.

    There's no one perfect way of doing this ... and the threads below provide some options and alternatives ... but the general approach is:

    #1 Get an image of a map from whatever source (scanning - digital etc) to produce a .BMP image file.
    #2 Use a programme to calibrate it and produce a .MAP file. One good example is OZIEXPLORER.
    #3 Load the calibrated version into a programme called MAPEDIT to draw the roads, cities, lakes etc and produce a .MP file.
    #4 Run a programme called GPSMAPPER to convert the .MP file to the .IMG files that are needed.
    #5 Run a programme called GPSMAPMANAGER to alter the registry for Mapsource so that Mapsource opens the map.
    #6 Use Mapsource to load to the Garmin.
    #7 The map produced will not be routable ... but see below to even be able to produce such a routable map.

    There are links to each of the above packages in the thread and more detail on each step is also provided. Also be sure to take a look at the toolkits

    One word of caution ... some approaches involve you making changes to some fundamental information in your computer such as in the registry. Ensure you know what you are doing and that you're happy to assume this risk yourself. None of the contributors to this thread take on any liability.

    Here's the view of a golf course

    With this map I can stand over my ball on the 12th fairway and check just how far it is to the green! Not that it's helped my handicap at all !!!

    Useful Links

    General Info On Creating And Uploading Maps
    Please Login or Register to see the links
    Please Login or Register to see the links
    Please Login or Register to see the links
    Please Login or Register to see the links
    (Gives you access to the full version of cgpsmapper for free - the price is that your work is made freely available to all.)

    Sending Maps To Your GPS Unit (Includes GPS Map Manager)
    Please Login or Register to see the links
    Cypherman’s Toolkit
    Please Login or Register to see the links
    Please Login or Register to see the links
    Another Map creator - highly recommended as the one you may find easiest to 'get into'.

    cGPSmapper cra cked version v. 0.92
    torrent file attached
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

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