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  1. #1
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    Default New download to SD card, help needed please

    Hi folks I'm in need of your help please, I'm not really very good with computers a find all this rather difficult and frustrating.
    I've downloaded City Navigator North America NT 2015 and wish to put it on a new SD card to use in my Nuvi 270 when we visit the USA this summer.

    After down loading and un zipping I'm left with this [Only registered and activated users can see links. ][Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    I've read a lot of tutorials here today but just seem to be going around in circles.

    What files should I copy from the unzipped downloaded to an SD card.
    As the original down load is locked what do I need to use with Jetmouse to unlock the map or whatever I copy to the SD card.

    As you can see I'm really stuck.
    Thanks for taking your time to read this. any help will be greatly appreciated
    Exiled in God's country, the land of Whisky

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  3. #2
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. New download to SD card, help needed please
    New download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed please
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    Hoot mon! [yeah, i know it means naught in Scottish Gaelic anyway ]. What you've downloaded is a 'PC Install'. You can load it to your PC and use it to make a partial or complete map for your 270, but you'll need to use an SD card for the full NA img file. Start here for some education: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] and scroll down to 'Have you downloaded a PC map version (.exe/.msi) for Basecamp/Mapsource?' or you can just copy/paste the gmap folder [see 'Have you downloaded a Gmap folder ?'].

    If your head's now spinning, go back to the map thread and look for a ready-to-use img file to download.
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  4. #3
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    Och aye the noo, in future I'll stick to haggis hunting I think
    Last edited by manninagh; 13th April 2015 at 11:25 AM.
    Exiled in God's country, the land of Whisky

  5. #4
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. New download to SD card, help needed please
    New download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed please
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    Och aye, seems the haggis still roam free in your parts Laddie. [boy, has he got problems! I've got a few 'roos loose in the top paddock but that takes the cake ..... ].
    Cheers mate, if you need more help just post here or in the map thread. Btw, i'm 3 parts Scottish but the rest is Viking so look out ....
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  6. #5
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    Lol, I've found on My PC a Folder called North America Navigator 2012.40, in it there is a gmapsupp img file. I used this two years ago to put on a mates Garmin who was going to the USA and it worked.

    Now if I put this on an SD I'll use it with my Garmin. I've sorted out how to unlock using Jetmouse but cannot find the FID/MapID which I need, anywhere on my PC

    I'm only one part Scottish, the other three are Manx hence the inability to understand technology , If I can get this map on an SD working I promise to send you some breeding Haggis, they may well help to keep the Roo's down.
    Exiled in God's country, the land of Whisky

  7. #6
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. New download to SD card, help needed please
    New download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed please
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    The predominance of Manx would normally be a big stopper but you being a quarter Scot with a love of the wee free-roaming haggis has won me over.
    1. Using a 3 or 4 year old map in the States is not a good idea. Trust me, i've driven there a lot and diving for unexpected exit across several lanes on a crowded interstate at 85mph is not for the faint-hearted [Yep, done it. My co-driver soiled himself].
    2. Forget Jetmouse anyway for unlocking modern maps, it's useless now because of Garmin's GMA protection: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    3. Forget about using the PC Install/gmap folder now too, in retrospect it was foolish of me to suggest that [you should have owned up sooner to the Manx anti-IT dna]
    4. Let's just find you a full NA 2015.40 image already unlocked to download ... oh look! Here comes one now: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] [post #11]. It's one of several posts for unlocked full images in that thread and there are also locked/original versions full and regional but i've only checked the links in P#11 and they seem ok. If you need an unlocker use this: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].
    5. Your 270 can recognise an image over 2GiB provided the unit firmware is recent, connect to WebUpdater to check for that and updated Voice, Text etc files: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].
    6. Create a root folder name Garmin on your SD card, and observe this naming and placement: sd:/Garmin/gmapsupp.img [need minimum 4GB card for the full NA image, regional files may fit on a 2GB].

    Tips for survival in the States: Practice speaking with an Aussie or Kiwi accent they seem to like us there more than Brits, especially in CA [not as bad in US as in FR though, boy don't they hate the Poms over there. But as a Scot you can tell Froggies that you hate Poms too]. Pretend you like Brats [not the obnoxious kids, the obnoxious bloated disgusting sausage-like abominations they think are better than the original Brätwurst stolen from the Germans]. Don't even get me started on what they did to pizza! [But pretend you like that too]. When they ask 'Do you want fries with that' NEVER say 'No, i want chips wi'it' coz they'll bring you crisps.

    PS: Are the haggis like chooks to breed? I mean, like one rooster per dozen hens is enough?
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  8. #7
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    G'day, the 2012.40 version I found on my PC is working from an SD card. As I didn't have the Mapid/Fid, I'd found gimgununlock but it didn't unlock the map after I dragged it to it. I then tried the Fast IMG unlocker 2.1 which did the trick at about 03:00 hrs. to celebrate I had a wee dram or two. This morning back at the PC with a severe headache, caused by the eye strain of sitting in front of this monitor for 48 hours.

    Your above post is very informative and I'll spend the day or next few getting up to date with the new map, then I must sort some folders out to keep Garmin stuff in.

    My youngest Son is currently on a gap year that' lasted nineteen month's so far, at the minute he's still on a walkabout in your neck of the woods, I'll tell him to keep an eye out for you and to buy you a few VB's if he bumps into you.
    The Haggis are a very virile breed just like us Manx/Scots, similar to a rooster, one male needs a couple of dozen hens, at least.

    Group A in the RUF World Cup looks interesting, my money is on Australia and Wales qualifying.
    Exiled in God's country, the land of Whisky

  9. #8
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. New download to SD card, help needed please
    New download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed please
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    I'll keep a sharp eye out for him then too. Prefer XXXX but will accept a slab or 2 of VB. Glenfiddich 26oz or at a pinch Johnny Black is also acceptable [but i'll grumble a bit if it's Red]. Ignoring the stuff 'bout the RUF World Cup coz i think you might be winding me up.

    Send a baker's dozen of th' horny haggis too then, you know the mix for sure. Breeding purposes only of course, but if you have any favourite recipes .... well ..

    Btw, gimgunlock would have already unlocked it anyway i reckon, it's so [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] you think it hasn't worked. Still think you're nuts using 2012.40 in the States, but that's the Ilse of Man for ye ... all legs an' no head.
    Good luck on the trip mate, if you get to Sidney NE, go to the cafeteria in Cabelas, ask for Shirl and tell her..... actually, no don't do that.
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  10. #9
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    G'day Sport, I hope it's a bit warmer down under than here.

    I bit the bullet and bought a new Garmin Nuvi 52 L . I followed your instruction in post #6 and have unlocked the map with gimgunlock and the Nuvi see's the map in > Map > Info, and is checked.

    With the Nuvi connected to the PC and Basecamp open, the UK and Europe map is available to view and add way points etc. Unfortunately the North America NT 2015.40 isn't seem by Basecamp. In the Garmin directory on the micro sd the map is named gmapsupp.img

    Once again I'm in need of your knowledge please, perhaps if the British Government hadn't of shipped all you clever fella's out to Botany Bay, I could have gone around to a neighbour for help, lol.
    Exiled in God's country, the land of Whisky

  11. #10
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. New download to SD card, help needed please
    New download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed pleaseNew download to SD card, help needed please
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    HaHA! I'm only 4th generation Oz. Wish i could claim convict heritage, it's a really quite a bragging point in Aussie society [at least it is in the low levels in which i circulate ]

    Your gmapsupp.img probably just has the MS flat still set to '1' which makes it invisible to BaseCamp. Open the image with [Only registered and activated users can see links. ], reset it to '0' [zero] and it'll then see it.

    img tool

    Och aye! 'Tis much warmer than the auld country! Expecting a balmy 24C [75F] here today [it's mid-Autumn, so eat ye heart out mon]. It got up to about 27C max yesterday. I was in my shirtsleeves when i attended the Anzac Day dawn service in the city yesterday, it was 21C at ~4.30am, felt much warmer in the huge crowd of course [stand to attention when you think about that Jimmie!].
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