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  1. #1
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    ? Is it possible to convert a Garmin device that does not support the trucks to a device that su

    Is it possible to convert a Garmin device that does not support the trucks to a device that supports the trucks by changing the firmware?

    thank you

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  3. #2
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Is it possible to convert a Garmin device that does not support the trucks to a device that su
    Is it possible to convert a Garmin device that does not support the trucks to a device that suIs it possible to convert a Garmin device that does not support the trucks to a device that suIs it possible to convert a Garmin device that does not support the trucks to a device that suIs it possible to convert a Garmin device that does not support the trucks to a device that suIs it possible to convert a Garmin device that does not support the trucks to a device that suIs it possible to convert a Garmin device that does not support the trucks to a device that suIs it possible to convert a Garmin device that does not support the trucks to a device that su
    Neil's Avatar
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    Yes. Three that i know of: nuvi 2x5W/2x0W [HWID 0827 only] converts to 465. nuvi 2460 converts to dezl 560. nuvi 2797 converts to dezl 760. Safest method is to use original boot.bin and retain HWID, see this thread for details: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] Same principals and caveats/warnings/disclaimer apply to the other two conversions as well.
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