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  1. #11
    GPSPower Helper How Do I Install a Map on a 3590?
    x-trail's Avatar
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    To sum it up and set things straight for all the people reading us...

    For 3590 there are 3 folders to write your maps in:
    1. Device:\Map\xxxxxx.img (use any name you like)
    2. SD:\Map\xxxxxx.img (use nay name you like)
    3. SD:\Garmin\xxxxxx.img (use nay name you like)

    If your 3590 does not recognize a map in the above folders, 3 things are possible:
    1. corrupted map file (if map is locked and readable you get the no-authentication message)
    2. corrupted microSD card or not properly formatted (FAT32)
    3. there is something wrong with 3590's software because it is acting "abnormally", so backup your personal data (\GPX\current.gpx) and preform a Clear Nonvol to reset your device.

    On my 3490 (and 3760) I use various maps in all those folders simultaneously!

    Garmin has set .System folder both as "hidden" and as "system-protected" to avoid average and novice users from messing with it.
    In this folder Garmin writes its device specific maps (Timezone map, Basemap, DEMmap) and pre-loaded maps (gmapprom, gmapprom1 and gmapOEM)
    Gmapprom.img is the pre-loaded map that you buy the device with and most of the times is a City Navigator.
    When you already have a gmapprom.img (e.g. a Europe CN) and you buy another City Navigator map (e.g. North America CN) then this map is written as gmapprom1.img
    When you buy an OEM Garmin device, then the pre-loaded map is written as gmapOEM.img.
    Last edited by x-trail; 22nd October 2014 at 10:36 PM.

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  3. #12
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. How Do I Install a Map on a 3590?
    How Do I Install a Map on a 3590?How Do I Install a Map on a 3590?How Do I Install a Map on a 3590?How Do I Install a Map on a 3590?How Do I Install a Map on a 3590?How Do I Install a Map on a 3590?How Do I Install a Map on a 3590?
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    Quote Originally Posted by xXNuviXx View Post
    Believe me, I'm not having a go at you, I tried all your suggestions and none of them worked.
    No problem at all, i didn't think that anyway. Just wanting to ensure ppl didn't take the info you quoted from the other forum as gospel that's all [it was muell9k who said that btw, not alandb who in fact along with CraigW posted to correct him in POI Factory forum as to the correct placement of the Map folder]. In precis, their point and my point in Post #9 here is that the 'Map' folder must be in the root of either card or unit which is why meull9k couldn't get his image to work because he had Map as a sub-folder.

    In the interests of total accuracy and to supplement and reinforce xtrail's excellent post above:
    This is the map naming convention for image files which will work in all units nuvi 1xxx to 3xxx series [including your 3590] and some related dezl and zumo models with on-board .System and Map folders and microSD card usable Garmin and Map folders:

    In unit's .System folder: gmapprom.img, gmapprom1.img [and for some maps gmapoem.img].
    In unit's Map [root] folder: gmapsup1.img and anyname.img.
    In card's Map [root] folder: anyname.img.
    In card's Garmin [root] folder: anyname.img and gmapsupp.img [that latter name only works there, and it won't work in the unit's Garmin folder, and anyname only works in card's Garmin folder for more recent units, not 1xxx].

    There are differing conventions for earlier models such as nuvi 2xx[W]/3x0/465/5x0/6x0/7xx etc and related units which don't have the hidden .System folder and use maps in the unit's Garmin folder. Other relevant threads in here: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] also [Only registered and activated users can see links. ], and [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] and [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] for earlier units.

    One thing that is universal with Garmin devices [automotive, outdoor, marine, aviation] which use a removable media card is that all of them can use a valid map named gmapsupp.img which always works in [card]:\Garmin folder and that's the definitive test for any map image. If it doesn't work there providing the map's suitable for the unit then there's something wrong with the map.
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  4. #13
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    I was going to say thanks, but, it's against house rules.

  5. #14
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. How Do I Install a Map on a 3590?
    How Do I Install a Map on a 3590?How Do I Install a Map on a 3590?How Do I Install a Map on a 3590?How Do I Install a Map on a 3590?How Do I Install a Map on a 3590?How Do I Install a Map on a 3590?How Do I Install a Map on a 3590?
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    Lol! Saying 'thanks' along with some relevant and/or useful information is no problem. 'Standalone thanks' is regarded as spam and is deleted/trashed of course, but seeing as you've mentioned the Rules and how they apply to thanks [and we're in Discussions, less formal than a dedicated technical thread] your post above can stay.

    So xXNuviXx, accordingly thank you for reporting back as asked and thus allowing some points to be cleared up and thank you x-trail for your usual invaluable and targeted help in that. I guess we can now mark this thread as [SOLVED] accordingly.
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