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  1. #1
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    Default Sudden change in Navigation Display format Nuvi 1300

    I recently updated the maps and firmware on my nuvi 1300. Several years ago I enabled JCV and speed limit. Since then, my display would show 4 readouts stacked on the right side for time to arrival, distance, speed, etc. Each one was selectable for which parameter. Since the update, I now have two readouts, one lower right and one lower left. Why the change and where is the menu to switch back to the stacked version of the display format?

    Updated -
    I found the answer. I must have been playing around with the tools/settings menu. It's under the map icon. Press the down arrow to reveal a map data layout button. It presents a dialogue that switches back and forth between 4 stacked data readouts or 2 in the bottom corners.
    Last edited by Rising Eagle; 29th April 2014 at 08:58 AM.

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  3. #2
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Sudden change in Navigation Display format Nuvi 1300
    Sudden change in Navigation Display format Nuvi 1300Sudden change in Navigation Display format Nuvi 1300Sudden change in Navigation Display format Nuvi 1300Sudden change in Navigation Display format Nuvi 1300Sudden change in Navigation Display format Nuvi 1300Sudden change in Navigation Display format Nuvi 1300Sudden change in Navigation Display format Nuvi 1300
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    The reason it changed would be because you reset the unit when you updated the fw as posted elsewhere. A hard reset/clear non vol always returns the unit to the factory settings. The appearance of the additional Map Data Layout is unrelated to enabling the additional functions. In 1xxx the setting can be changed via Tools>Settings>Map[scroll down]>Map Data Layout>Select 'More Data' or 'Standard'.
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