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  1. #1
    Member + BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?
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    Default BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?

    I have beeing using my 3790T for several days now, I'm in a trip.

    Suddendly, I cannot identify why, the buttons (DRIVING; ELEVATION; TIME; SPEED) moved from the bottom of the screen to the right.

    How can I fix that ? Better yet, why they moved ? Probably something I did, I was trying to define a trip having several waypoints.

    Thanks for help.
    Carlos Magalhaes
    Garmin nüvi 3790T

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  3. #2
    Important User BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?
    BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?
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    Can you post a screen please ?
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  4. #3
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?
    BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?
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    Maybe it had a 'hissy-fit' during a screen orientation change (portrait to landscape). The usual first-aid for any weird behaviour is a hard reset.
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  5. #4
    Member + BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?
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    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    This the way it is !
    Carlos Magalhaes
    Garmin nüvi 3790T

  6. #5
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?
    BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?
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    So it somehow has all 3 (Direction of Travel, Elevation and Time of Day) enabled. What does it show on the page 'Select Data to Display' when you touch one of the 3 infos?
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  7. #6
    Member + BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    So it somehow has all 3 (Direction of Travel, Elevation and Time of Day) enabled. What does it show on the page 'Select Data to Display' when you touch one of the 3 infos?
    Each of the buttons, once touched, goes to the "Select Data to Display" page, and all are selected, ONE at a TIME once the page is shown. Interesting that this setting has been like this, as far as I can remember.
    Carlos Magalhaes
    Garmin nüvi 3790T

  8. #7
    Important User BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?
    BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?
    catymag's Avatar
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    Try to change the dashboard and see what happens
    Settings/ Map&Vehicle/Dashboards
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  9. #8
    Member + BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?
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    Quote Originally Posted by catymag View Post
    Try to change the dashboard and see what happens
    Settings/ Map&Vehicle/Dashboards
    My 3790 does not have "Map&Vehicle" under Settings ! Only shows system / navigation / display / language / mymaps / bluetooth

    there is no dashboard on any of the subsequent screens
    Carlos Magalhaes
    Garmin nüvi 3790T

  10. #9
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?
    BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?
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    Only one should be shown as selected of course, like this:


    What happens if you try to deselect them? Have you hard reset yet?

    3790 does not have 'Map & Vehicle/Dashboard'. Caty's is 37xx/34xx, that's a 34xx feature.
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  11. #10
    Member + BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?BUTTONs on the bottom or on the right of the screen ?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Only one should be shown as selected of course, like this:


    What happens if you try to deselect them? Have you hard reset yet?

    3790 does not have 'Map & Vehicle/Dashboard'. Caty's is 37xx/34xx, that's a 34xx feature.
    Well, the only way to deselect, is to select another. Then I will have two buttons with the same content (I tried). But I am happy with all three, just liked then better on the bottom.

    No, did not do a hard reset and cannot do that. I am in the middle of a trip, going to Providence (RI) and Canada in a couple of days and do not want to risk the GPS operation.

    But thanks for the idea !
    When the nuvi shows JCV, the button do disapear, so there no big loss on screen area, afterall.
    Last edited by Cmagalha; 19th September 2012 at 12:05 PM. Reason: Fixing some terrible english
    Carlos Magalhaes
    Garmin nüvi 3790T




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