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    Master Nokia BetaLabs Nokia Maps Suite v2.00(494) Symbian^3 Anna Belle SymbianOS 9.5 Signed [14/12/201Nokia BetaLabs Nokia Maps Suite v2.00(494) Symbian^3 Anna Belle SymbianOS 9.5 Signed [14/12/201 usitaly's Avatar
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    Default Nokia BetaLabs Nokia Maps Suite v2.00(494) Symbian^3 Anna Belle SymbianOS 9.5 Signed [14/12/201

    Nokia BetaLabs Nokia Maps Suite v2.00(494) Symbian^3 Anna Belle SymbianOS 9.5 Signed [14/12/2011]


    Nokia Maps Suite brings you the future of
    location-based services. Places helps you discover where to go and Public Transport shows the best way to get there with buses, trams and trains with worldwide coverage.
    Nokia Live View, the augmented-reality browser, turns your phone’s camera viewfinder into a new way to spot nearby attractions, shops, restaurants and places of interest.
    With Pulse, you can check in with the people you care about most—your family and close friends. Wherever you are, you have access to everything you need to explore your surroundings, share special moments, and plan your next adventure.

    Nokia Maps Suite includes:

    Live View: A new way to easily find information
    and services on the go.
    Places: Discover places around you.
    Public Transport: Plan your journey from here to there easily.
    Pulse: Privately share and discuss your location, photos, and more.

    Installation notes

    1. For Places, it is required to have installed at least Maps SR6, but we do recommend using Maps SR8.

    2.If you experience installation issues, could you send us your installation logfile (please attach the file) which is located on your device. The logfile will be located in either: c:\data \solosmartinstallerlog.txt or c: \solosmartinstallerlog.txt (on your device, not your PC). Please email this file to: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] with the subject: Nokia Maps Suite installation issues.

    3. You need to have a SIM card in your device to install all of the applications. If you don't, only Places will install.

    4. Live View is not included in the latest version of Nokia Maps Suite, but you can still get the standalone Live View app.

    Device Compatibilty

    1. With Symbian Belle software: 600, 603, 700, 701
    2. All other software versions: N8-00, E7-00, C7-00, C6-01, Astound, Oro, X7-00, E6-00
    3. By the way...we've verified Pulse to work on
    Nokia 700, 701 and N8. All others should

    Uninstall Instructions

    To uninstall Nokia Maps Suite from your
    device, delete the following files from App Manager:
    “Nokia Maps Suite”
    “Nokia Public Transport”
    “Pulse” “Pulse Library”

    Keep in mind that not all of the used memory can be restored because new Qt components installed by Nokia Maps Suite stay on your device. They are necessary for existing software and will be installed in future updates.
    Attached Files Attached Files

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