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    Default Garmin Montana 650 Unresponsive touch screen

    The touch screen on my recently acquired Garmin Montana 650 goes unresponsive after it's been on for a while (don't know how long it'll go before becoming unresponsive at this point - seems to vary). I have the latest firmware installed (7.60). The GPS will connect up to my PC just fine and will charge, and I can can access the files on both the unit and the SD card. I have hardware reset and recalibrated the screen several times, with and without the SD card inserted - and no change.

    Interestingly, when the screen is completely unresponsive, even after a reboot, I can still get to the hardware reset menu by touching the top left of the screen while turning the power on - indicating the touchscreen is actually responsive at that point. I can also get to the 'screen calibration' screen from start up, but can't calibrate the screen at that point as the screen is unresponsive.

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  3. #2
    iGO Enthusiast Garmin Montana 650 Unresponsive touch screen
    Garmin Montana 650 Unresponsive touch screenGarmin Montana 650 Unresponsive touch screenGarmin Montana 650 Unresponsive touch screenGarmin Montana 650 Unresponsive touch screenGarmin Montana 650 Unresponsive touch screenGarmin Montana 650 Unresponsive touch screenGarmin Montana 650 Unresponsive touch screen
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