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  1. #1
    VIP Master Yellow Duck's Avatar
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    Default GPSMAP 64 frozen usb screen

    When I connect my gpsmap 64sc on a pc usb port the unit freeze and doesn't show-up in windows. When I disconnect the unit the screen stays on usb, I have to remove the batteries to power down.
    I tried a hard reset to no avail, any ideas?

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  3. #2
    Important User GPSMAP 64 frozen usb screen
    GPSMAP 64 frozen usb screenGPSMAP 64 frozen usb screen
    Butters's Avatar
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    Jul 2017
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    Check you have either Mass Storage Mode (MSM) or Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) selected in Settings>System>Interface. If interface setting is correct and it should be after resetting the device back to factory default settings by a 'hard reset', try the following in order:
    (1) Ensure the computer has [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] loaded, if unsure how to check just download latest and install anyway.
    (2) Use only a Windows desktop PC and directly connect to a rear USB2 port, avoid front ports and USB3 ports, definitely no hubs.
    (3) There may be a problem with the USB cable used so try several others.
    (4) The device's USB socket might be damaged or corroded, check for bent pins with a magnifying glass. If dirty clean carefully and only with dedicated electrical contact cleaner.



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