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    Default Garmin Montanan track log issue - or maybe not?

    hi all,

    I have noticed many times that when I view any track logs on basecamp etc I always have these annoying direct routing points between destinations such as Europe to asia and it appears to form part of the track, also if I am sitting somewhere for a while the recorded track is jumping all over...

    is there any way I can switch this direct routing lines off somewhere?

    a screen shot so you see what I mean.




    thanks for any tips etc.
    Last edited by fluff34567; 16th July 2017 at 09:31 AM.

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  3. #2
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    Similiar behaviour in conditions like:
    1. When I power on GPS at home (indoor)
    2. In deep woods
    3. At very cloudy day when I stay at one location longer (no move).
    It's all about GPS fix.

  4. #3
    Administrator Garmin Montanan track log issue - or maybe not?
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    That will happen to any GPS that looses a Temp lock no matter what brand "except a Surveyors unit", have had many a time and I just edit out that in Oziexplorer and save it again for reference. Can't help you with Garmin Nav units. I only use an Etrex basic unit.
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  5. #4
    GPSPower Helper Garmin Montanan track log issue - or maybe not?
    Garmin Montanan track log issue - or maybe not?

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    Quote Originally Posted by fluff34567 View Post
    hi all,

    I have noticed many times that when I view any track logs on basecamp etc I always have these annoying direct routing points between destinations such as Europe to asia and it appears to form part of the track, also if I am sitting somewhere for a while the recorded track is jumping all over...

    is there any way I can switch this direct routing lines off somewhere?

    a screen shot so you see what I mean.

    thanks for any tips etc.
    The most common cause of straight lines between dots is usually when the option to record tracks is not turned off, ie, it is always active. So when the gps is turned off and on again in another location it will join the 2 points as if the path had been made. To avoid this problem turn off the option to record tracks as soon as you finish a track. In Etrex 30 it is in Setup / Tracks / Track Log / Do not record). In Montana it should be a similar setup.
    The possibility would fit in the first two images. In the case of the last image, in case you have not used a boat (lol), it certainly indicates some strong anomaly in satellite tuning. If it is not hardware problem, the suggestion is to do a master reset on your gps.
    Last edited by angelozip; 18th July 2017 at 07:11 AM.
    DriveLuxe50, Nuvi 2689, Etrex 30x, Epix, VivoActive HR.

  6. #5
    Administrator Garmin Montanan track log issue - or maybe not?
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    As angelozip says it is possible but have had this alot way back in time, if you run an Hand held like my old Etrex or even a Etrex 30 you actually cover the Antenna while in your hand so you get a temp lack of signal so short loss of tracking, it even happens when I use my PDA moving Map device and it's not lack of Signal but SA "Selective Availability" set by the Satellites, so it's info your device gets confused and has little glitches "heck we only pay a few 100 Dollar's for our GPS's and you expect them to be perfect Hey.

    But don't think that "pay a few Grand" and maybe you have some rights but we don't, been in Electronics to long and know just how much designers and Company's Skimp on design and Software.
    Live with it Guys and learn how to download your data and how to Edit the Results.
    I know where I am Do you?
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