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  1. #1
    Member mrmullad's Avatar
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    Default Basecamp custom POI overwriting custom POI

    Hi all
    I am a lawn bowler and have created custom POI's and i am trying to load them to Basecamp so when i need to go to a bowls green i can just make a route to any green i need and send it to device but for some reason one will over write the other, IE i make new list name it then import kml to list no problem but when i import next kml it overwrites first file so i only end up with one file .
    There must be a way of doing this.
    If anyone could help with this that would be great Thanks in advance Dell

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  3. #2
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Basecamp custom POI overwriting custom POI
    Basecamp custom POI overwriting custom POIBasecamp custom POI overwriting custom POIBasecamp custom POI overwriting custom POIBasecamp custom POI overwriting custom POIBasecamp custom POI overwriting custom POIBasecamp custom POI overwriting custom POIBasecamp custom POI overwriting custom POI
    Neil's Avatar
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    Aug 2011
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    Better to say which device you have Dell, because it depends on which unit series how many routes are handled and many automotive devices don't even support routes at all while others support 'trips' not 'routes' but both types need to properly 'import' the file:
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