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  1. #1
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    Default Garmin Express won't instal map update to SD card

    Garmin Express Mac OS 10.10.2 (Yosemite) Garmin Nuvi 3590LMT device software 8.20

    I manually moved NTU 2015.30 from my Nuvi 3590 to it's SD Card (32GB) to free up space so that I could have some custom POI Apps on the internal memory (they need to be there to show up in BaseCamp).

    The transferred maps worked fine but to ensure that they were properly installed and would be updated successfully from the Garmin website I decided to delete the files and get Garmin Express to re-instal to the SD card.

    Everytime I tried Garmin Express would just write the files to the internal memory until it was full and then fail. So I copied some redundant files to the Garmin internal memory to make sure there was only 100MB of free space.

    This had the (wanted) effect of Garmin Express now recognising there wasn't enough space and saying it would write the maps to the SD Card. However it fails on multiple attempts. On looking closely at the discs (internal and SD) as the install runs i can see although Garmin Express says it is installing to the SD card it is actually writing gmapprom.gma to the .System folder on the Nuvi internal and of course the install fails as soon as the internal fills up.

    Anyone have any ideas as to how to get the Express to actually write the files to the SD like it say it's doing!

    I have tried Map Install and this will install the map to the SD card but it's installing 2015.3 not 2015.30 (what's this is it any different) and there don't appear to be the 3D and possible the junction views installed when i use Map Install.

    Going right back to the Garmin website to source the map just asks me to install Garmin Express to update the maps... so help!!


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  3. #2
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Garmin Express won't instal map update to SD card
    Garmin Express won't instal map update to SD cardGarmin Express won't instal map update to SD cardGarmin Express won't instal map update to SD cardGarmin Express won't instal map update to SD cardGarmin Express won't instal map update to SD cardGarmin Express won't instal map update to SD cardGarmin Express won't instal map update to SD card
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    1. Try using a PC, i've had no problems updating to microSD for multiple 3xxx devices including 2GB memory 3590 AU versions when using the Win version of GE. BTW, MapInstall only writes a detail image file from a PC Install version/gmap folder. Perhaps you meant MapUpdater.
    2. Write the files directly to a microSD in a card reader with a copy of GarminDevice.xlm in a Garmin root folder. Then move files and folders as required to either the unit itself or elsewhere on the card. Voice, Vehicle etc files need to be on the unit itself as do the language-related SRD files need to be in the unit's .System/ASR folder. Other files such as map-related ASR/SRX & JCV files can function from the card's Garmin folder in appropriately named sub-folders.
    3. Move everything possible off the unit if it's an 8GB unit and then move the maps to the card and replace the other files.
    4. If you want to drive yourself crazy email Garmin UK for help. [Don't bother, reportedly they don't answer emails but their phone support is great].
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  4. #3
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    Hi Neil,

    Thanks for your response. Unfortunately don't have a PC. The Garmin Apps I have are BaseCamp, Express, MapInstall, Map Manager and WebUpdater (I don't have MapUpdater not sure there is a Mac version of that?. I see what you mean Map Install is only installing City Navigator Europe NTU 2015.3.img and a long string .gma file which I guess is the un-lock code.

    i guess I can resort all the files to the internal memory (I have a full back-up of the original) then move the maps to the card (I guess I have to rename gmapprom.img, gmapprom.gma, gmapprom.uni to gmapsupp.img, gmapsupp.gma, gmapsupp.uni also do the .uni files have to be in the same directory as the map or do they stay on the Nuvi?

    I was hoping to have a Garmin App do the install to the SD card so that when I download 2015.40 from the Garmin site it goes to the SD Card. If I manually copy the files I'm not sure how it can do the update as there wouldn't be enough room on the internal drive but there wouldn't be a recognised install on the SD card?


    PS anyone know what map files gmapbmap.img and D2249750A.img are?

  5. #4
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Garmin Express won't instal map update to SD card
    Garmin Express won't instal map update to SD cardGarmin Express won't instal map update to SD cardGarmin Express won't instal map update to SD cardGarmin Express won't instal map update to SD cardGarmin Express won't instal map update to SD cardGarmin Express won't instal map update to SD cardGarmin Express won't instal map update to SD card
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    No MapUpdater for Mac it's Win only software, sorry i forgot.

    I was hoping to have a Garmin App do the install to the SD card so that when I download 2015.40 from the Garmin site it goes to the SD Card. If I manually copy the files I'm not sure how it can do the update as there wouldn't be enough room on the internal drive but there wouldn't be a recognised install on the SD card?
    Well, you can do that with GE as I said in point 2 above. To further explain, when the Garmin software [eg: GE, MI, WU] sees a valid GarminDevice.xml file on a flash drive or media card it will assume it to be the actual device and treat it accordingly. It's often referred to as 'a fake nuvi', i like to call it 'a nuvi stunt-double'. The advantage of using the actual intended unit's microSD in a usb card reader is that you then have to do minimal moving/copying of files. Some you will have to move to the unit as explained before and others can remain on the card but moved almost instantly just to appropriately named folders. Maps and gma/unl codes can stay on the card and best to keep them in the same folder you use for their associated map's storage. In Garmin folder for 3590 on card, not only will gmapsupp.img be recognised but also 'any_name'.img eg. CNNTU_EU_2015-40.img. You should rename the associated gma/unl files the same as the img name of course. The map 'anyname' is also usable in a separate 'Map' root folder of a card.

    PS anyone know what map files gmapbmap.img and D2249750A.img are?
    The first is the basemap, it'll work in the card but better it remains on the unit. D2249750A.img is the stupid name that GU gave to EU DEM map when it loaded it back to units from which gmapdem.img had been mistakenly wiped in an earlier update. Rename it to gmapdem.img if you leave it on the unit. It can be used on the card in Garmin or Map folder as gmapdem or anyname including D2249750A i think. See [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] for further info.
    Last edited by Neil; 24th February 2015 at 02:07 AM.
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  6. #5
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    Thanks Neil,

    Your info is really helpful and clearly explained. When I come to do the map update I'll copy the GarminDevice.xml to the SD card then use in a card reader (I find the SD card read/writes 5 times the speed in the card reader than when it's in the Nuvi) to do the update then as you describe copy the files that need to be on the Nuvi.

    Big thanks.

  7. #6
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. Garmin Express won't instal map update to SD card
    Garmin Express won't instal map update to SD cardGarmin Express won't instal map update to SD cardGarmin Express won't instal map update to SD cardGarmin Express won't instal map update to SD cardGarmin Express won't instal map update to SD cardGarmin Express won't instal map update to SD cardGarmin Express won't instal map update to SD card
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    np, thanks for the thanks but it's my pleasure and i'm happy to have helped. Be sure to put the xml in a root folder named Garmin. Unless you use a USB1 port it's quite true that it's always quicker to write in a card reader than to the card in the unit itself as you've noticed. Read speed is the same regardless of the speed rating of the card, only write speed changes though.

    Good luck.
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