How to post,search and other tips- GPSPower posting rules to follow
Dear GPSPower members these are tips to make
your stay easier here in our forum and some little rules to follow when you'll open a thread and post on out forum.
How to search :
You 'd search in two ways ,using show threads and posts too because sometimes
different versions of applications are posted in the same thread.
The word you must insert in the search window must have more than 3 letters ,
avoid numbers, search the most representative words of application title.

You can use an asterisk (*) to wildcard search results for example you are searching for "x-plore",
you could do "*plore" and it will find all titles with "xplore" aswell as "x-plore" (thanks Mnia)
How to post:
Always post a description and screens of the app you'r going to submit,always
upload it on GPSPower server,
you can use host servers like Zippyshare if the application is more than 15 mb

How to add screens of an app:
it is preferable to upload pics on an image host like Tinypic or imgur
instead of attaching them on GPSPower server
So if you have to upload a pic file on an host then you click the image icon and
submit the pic adress.

Submitting an address in your post:
Remember that concurrent Mobiles and GPS forum addresses are not allowed and neither are Direct Links to companies like Nokia ,Microsoft, Samsung, ngage ,other phone manufacturers , online shops , applications developers, Maps providers, Maps developers,official companies forums, games developers,non concurrent forums,games developers etc
How to submit a valid address in your post:
so if you want to add a link you must code it.
How? write your adress ,select it and click on the # simbol. If you dont do it
the adress will remain clickable

links to official companies like GARMIN,NAVIGON , SYGIC , TOMTOM ...etc must be coded on forum.
Other links must appear like normal urls (this includes fileshare and hosting sites like Zippyshare, 1fichier,Uploaded,Filefactory etc).
Use please Hide button for hosts links to protect them.
How to include true hyperlinks ?
It should be better, when we add an host link, just to have something like download or click here.
how to do this? Write Download or click me or insert a pic in the window ,select it ,click on the
hyperlink icon and insert your adress. (thanks Crnv)

how to submit a youtube video:
you need the video adress ,paste it in the window then leave just the numbers
and letters after = select it and click on

To hide links posters can use Spoiler for now
Spoiler is working now, button is empty, because I cant load button picture in forum root, but all is working.
It is always preferable:
to to edit and remove attachments in double posts, Mods work will be easier.
instead of opening new threads we can attach new apps versions in old thread
updating it with a new app post,mods will change title with new one
send a visitor message to the poster for a broken link or use report button instead of spamming with useless posts
Use just english language please
Thanks your Admin 