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  1. #1
    IT Administrator Heads-up notice to Inactive Members (Zero Posters) as your account will possibly be closed.
    Magnetron's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    Western Australia
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    Amigo Heads-up notice to Inactive Members (Zero Posters) as your account will possibly be closed.

    As of 8th July the system has been set to close accounts based on the length of time you have not posted from the time you joined, that period is 12 months.
    A lot of older members have been warned by having a ban period of 7//14/28 days, you know who you are and the longer you've been here the more likely to be the first ones.
    The script is set to be random and over a medium length of time.
    You need to start with a presentation post,
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    If you post anywhere else, and ii's an inappropriate post a Moderator, will send it to Trash.

    Have a reread of this
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    It pays to read forum Rules and Announcement no matter what site you're on.
    This forum requires you also ONLY to use English and NO thank-posts, the like button is for that.

    When you are a junior member, you will get the like button back and your PMs.

    That is it, last warning.

    If you wish to make a comment to this, please do so.

    Edit: 29/11/2024
    As of January 2025 all Inactive members that have not posted in 180 days "old 365" will have their accounts closed.
    Can't see a link/attachment? Don't post asking why. Just 'Like' the post & hit F5:
    THE LIKE BUTTON IS NOW IN THE BOTTOM LEFT-hand CORNER - If you can't see the like button, then you're an Inactive Member
    Posts serving no purpose like thanks or to ask about links go to [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] or are deleted, it's GPS Power policy.
    Magnetron Legacy

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  3. #2
    IT Administrator Heads-up notice to Inactive Members (Zero Posters) as your account will possibly be closed.
    Magnetron's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Western Australia
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    Update, Inactive Member accounts closed = 0, Inactive accounts Deleted = 719
    Range: 719 March 1st- March 15th 2024

    To not have your account closed or deleted, go [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] and give a presentation.
    Now that January 2025 is nearly finished, Members to be removed includes July 31st 2024.

    Be swift or miss out.
    Can't see a link/attachment? Don't post asking why. Just 'Like' the post & hit F5:
    THE LIKE BUTTON IS NOW IN THE BOTTOM LEFT-hand CORNER - If you can't see the like button, then you're an Inactive Member
    Posts serving no purpose like thanks or to ask about links go to [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] or are deleted, it's GPS Power policy.
    Magnetron Legacy

  4. #3
    IT Administrator Heads-up notice to Inactive Members (Zero Posters) as your account will possibly be closed.
    Magnetron's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Western Australia
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    Update, Inactive Member accounts closed = 0, Inactive accounts Deleted = 1060
    Range: 1060 March 15th - March 31st 2024

    To not have your account closed or deleted, go [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] and give a presentation.

    Be swift or miss out.

    When I get around to it, remember that you have been warned and any zero posting member that registered before June 30th 2024 your account will be deleted.
    Another month is nearing an end (180 Days) now means July 31st 2024.
    Can't see a link/attachment? Don't post asking why. Just 'Like' the post & hit F5:
    THE LIKE BUTTON IS NOW IN THE BOTTOM LEFT-hand CORNER - If you can't see the like button, then you're an Inactive Member
    Posts serving no purpose like thanks or to ask about links go to [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] or are deleted, it's GPS Power policy.
    Magnetron Legacy

  5. #4
    IT Administrator Heads-up notice to Inactive Members (Zero Posters) as your account will possibly be closed.
    Magnetron's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Western Australia
    Rep Power


    Update, Inactive Member accounts closed = 0, Inactive accounts Deleted = 1783
    Range: April 1st - April 30th 2024

    To not have your account closed or deleted, go [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] and give a presentation.

    Be swift or miss out.
    Can't see a link/attachment? Don't post asking why. Just 'Like' the post & hit F5:
    THE LIKE BUTTON IS NOW IN THE BOTTOM LEFT-hand CORNER - If you can't see the like button, then you're an Inactive Member
    Posts serving no purpose like thanks or to ask about links go to [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] or are deleted, it's GPS Power policy.
    Magnetron Legacy



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