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  1. #31
    Navigation software expert Mapc2mapc & jnxmerge
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    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 553 (553_64) is available for download.

    - Write TAB calibration file;
    - Improve quality of rendered IMG files;
    - Remember selected Datum between calibrations;
    - Stop recalibrating when less that 2 points remain;
    - Fix for MAP files with Irish Grid coordinates;
    - Integrate Navikey (7Ways) conversion.

    Here is the correct download link for the 553_64:
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    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 554 (554_64) is available for download.

    - Remove AlpineQuest directories;
    - Improve IMG conversion (faster, better Bezier curves);
    - Remove reference to Arial font.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 555 (555_64) is available for download.

    - Allow calibration with MGRS coordinates (not Polar MGRS);
    - Allow GeoTIFF and GeoPDF with measurements in US Feet;
    - Handle large RMAP files like large TIFF files;
    - Fix map rescale when window resized.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 556 (556_64) is available for download.

    - Allow KAL files in Batch mode;
    - Additional calibration points in KAP files to improve accuracy;
    - Handle WCI files with skipped lines;
    - Fix Swiss Grid in *.map;
    - Handle non-zero XORbyte in IMG.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 557 (557_64) is available for download.

    - Update FreeImage Library* to 3.15/3.17 and LibTIFF to allow some BigTIFF file processing;
    - Batch KAL processing;
    - .TILE suffix for OSMTracker;
    - Long ESRI cache filenames;
    - Build map from tiles defined with North/South/East/West;
    - Option of a forced 7-colour palette for KAP charts;
    - Choice of Google Roadmap rather than hybrid for calibration.

    *Note the FreeImage Library is bigger so increasing the download size from c2MB to c3MB. If you receive a message 'freeimage.dll not found', try installing the latest runtime modules from:
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    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 558 (558_64) is available for download.

    Revert to FreeImage 3.13 because of instability handling palette images on some computers.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 566 (566_64) is available for download.

    - Fix for grids on OkMap files;
    - Allow 'cut into tiles' for large TIFF images;
    - Allow JPG images when merging MBTiles;
    - Allow specification of PDF layers to be ignored;
    - Stop crashes during Merge;
    - New facility to view log file.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 567 (567_64) is available for download.

    - Faster load of large TIFF files;
    - Option to print without grid overlay;
    - Handle transparency when reading KMZ/KML;
    - Option to generate DAY DSK and NGT in BSB/KAP files using fixed factors;
    - Option to specify a scale factor for display when generating BSB/KAP files in batch.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 568 (568_64) is available for download.

    - Correct handling of TIFF and PDF files with rotated geotransform coordinates;
    - Simplify GDAL installation;
    - Improvements to [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 569 (569_64) is available for download.

    - Retain Transparency when writing PNG files;
    - SRTM online service no longer available;
    - Сalibrate from GPX bounds;
    - SHIFT+CLICK holds calibration point when map scrolled;
    - Allow PDF as an image for calibration (needs GDAL).

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  3. #32
    Navigation software expert Mapc2mapc & jnxmerge
    Mapc2mapc & jnxmerge
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    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 570 (570_64) is available for download.

    - Allow Prime Meridian in Datums (Ferro);
    - Choice of Mobile Atlas types from Huge File processing;
    - New function to shift a map calibration by metres;
    - Fix KMZ loading, add Polar Steographic projection.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 571 (571_64) is available for download.

    - New feature to write OSMDroid SQLite files;
    - Allow OZF2 file to exceed 2GB in size;
    - Fix tile store merge.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 572 (572_64) is available for download.

    - Allow GeoTIFF calibrated with points;
    - Allow ECW in batch mode;
    - Fixes to GPX loading, RMAP input and 'Fit Coordinates' function.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 573 (573_64) is available for download.

    - Improve Palette handling for GeoTIFF and KAP;
    - Allow calibration of ECW and SID images;
    - When map is calibrated with four corner points allow bilinear interpolation instead of best fit;
    - Fix conversion of KMZ to Mobile Atlas when KMZ has network images.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 574 (574_64) is available for download.

    - Improve speed of writing KAP files;
    - Bilinear available when four points are in the quadrants, not just at corners;
    - Fix for some GEOTIFs seen as wrong type;
    - Always ask for output TIF path.

  4. #33
    Navigation software expert Mapc2mapc & jnxmerge
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    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 575 (575_64) is available for download.

    - Fixes to KAP output.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 576 (576_64) is available for download.

    - Remove spaces from Layers Off string;
    - New function to read Trekbuddy TAR sets;
    - New functionality to create Naviator charts;
    - Extensions to 'Merge Tile Stores' to allow MGMaps input and Naviator output;
    - Special transparent colour can now have differing R, G and B components;
    - Fix for large KAP files with many colours, option to Dither KAP charts;
    - Open GMAP charts, faster save of palette images, add Slovakia grid (S-JTSK).

    On 1 October 2018, Google removed free access for Static Maps. MAPC2MAPC used these to provide Thumbnail images to check and adjust calibration. To acquire an API Key for Google Static Maps requires the establishment of a billing method. TomTom maps are less detailed and still require an API key - but it is free. There is a new item on the Edit menu to allow you to lodge an API key for either TomTom or Google.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 577 (577_64) is available for download.

    - Default Thumbnails to Open Street Maps (no key required).

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 578 (578_64) is available for download.

    - New facility to draw a 1km UTM (or OSGB) grid;
    - Fix Hungarian Oblique Mercator;
    - Correct map name in MBTiles output;
    - Stop selection of invalid files for batch;
    - Pop-up message at end of batch run;
    - Correct name in GPX Tracks;
    - Fix blurred pixels when processing maps made by Mobile Atlas Creator;
    - New utility providing [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] between all projections and datums known to the program. Also the facility to add user datums.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 579 (579_64) is available for download.

    - New facility to write charts for [Only registered and activated users can see links. ];
    - Accept TIFF as well as TIF extension;
    - Fix for MBTiles field sequence;
    - Check for GDAL when calibrating PDFs;
    - Revert to built-in UCASE function to avoid Buffer Overflow errors in some locales;
    - Correct JNX Thumbnails;
    - Warp to Latitude/Longitude when making KMZ in Batch mode.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 580 (580_64) is available for download.

    - Suport for GDAL 3xx versions which generate different data from GDAL_INFO;
    - Ability to draw a track overlay as regularly spaced icons;
    - Ability to save images as TIF instead of PNG;
    - Ability to fix a loaded or drawn track onto the map image.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 581 (581_64) is available for download.

    - Fix spheroid for GDAL 3xx;
    - Option to write image files as TIF instead of PNG;
    - Add MGRS to coordinate conversion;
    - Fix Orux SQLite output;
    - Fix OS grid when using Fit Coordinates;
    - New function for [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 582 (582_64) is available for download.

    - Allow {m} (Web Mercator) as bounding box definition when loading tiles;
    - Fix read Orux SQLite when tiles are 512x512;
    - Fix loading KMZ when images have mixed scales.

  5. #34
    Navigation software expert Mapc2mapc & jnxmerge
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    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 583 (583_64) is available for download.

    - Fix various crashes;
    - Change view shortcuts CTRL +/- to preserve cursor position on map and add new shortcuts CTRL F (fit), 1 (100%), 2 (200%);
    - Add Web Mercator as a calibration and fit option;
    - Thumbnail image uses OpenTopoMap instead of OSM (now blocked);
    - Improve accuracy of KMZ files from Mercator maps.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 584 (584_64) is available for download.

    - New datums including GDA2020 Australia;
    - Use VS to enable reading of large KMZ files;
    - Ensure JNX with 32bit offsets are handled correctly;
    - New function to convert JNX files to KMZ - with the ability to handle large KMZ files this allows conversion of JNX to many formats;
    - Ensure SQL databases are closed when writing has finished;
    - Preserve filename CaSe on output;
    - Show Google PLUS code in coordinate conversion.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 585 (585_64) is available for download.

    - Fix tile selection bug in v584.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 586 (586_64) is available for download.

    - New function to load Fugawi FX4 files (not locked);
    - Fixes : for crash with User Datums, OruxMaps SQLite, Mercator variant B;
    - New utility to copy georeferencing information from a TIF to another image of the same size;
    - Fixes for reading RMP files and viewing SQLITEDB;
    - Fix to populate MMPLL fields in OZI Map files.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 587 (587_64) is available for download.

    - Fix Crosshair position with non-std DPI;
    - Load SQLite as one image;
    - Fix for multi-level JNX to KML;
    - Add Lambert-93 TAB files and JP2 for free IGN maps;
    - Display shifts for different datums.

    Note: if the program fails with sqlite.dll not available, download and install the 32 or 64 bit net 4.0 package from here -
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    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 588 (588_64) is available for download.

    - New functionality to add some processing functions (image changes and track overlays) into batch function;
    - Fix for thumbnail view.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 589 (589_64) is available for download.

    - Add ability to process KMZ files with internal <link>s;
    - Add ability to process more types of JNX files.

  6. #35
    Junior Member foxyrick's Avatar
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    I'm trying to convert my MBTiles database into JNX format for a Garmin Montanna. Does Mapc2Mapc not do MBTiles->JNX at all? I can't see an option for it, or is it only in the registered version?

    I tried with Mobat2jnx, by first extracting the tiles from the MBTiles into the individual folders and files. It works on a small test map, but when run on a larger set it produces files greater than 4GB in size, so will not go on a FAT32 formatted card for the Garmin. Mobat2jnx did seem to be splitting the resulting jnx into multiple files based on the maximum number of tiles allowed, but not file size which seems a bit of an obvious omission. The first jnx file it produced was 12GB, the second 7GB.

    If needs be I'll cut up my database into smaller portions. I'm posting here more because I'm surprised that Mapc2mapc doesn't do MBTiles to JNX directly, given how many other things it seems to do. Have I missed it somewhere?
    Last edited by Boki; 14th May 2021 at 01:09 PM. Reason: approved

  7. #36
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    I am sure this is possible - your best bet is to email John Thorn the developer of MAPC2MAPC. He very responsive and helpful in dealing with user questions.

    His email is: calfiles (at) the-thorns.org.uk

  8. #37
    Navigation software expert Mapc2mapc &amp; jnxmerge
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    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 590 (590_64) is available for download.

    - Fix handling of LatLonQuad in KMZ files;
    - Additional KAP options;
    - Fix to read 6-field GCP files from QuoVadis.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 591 (591_64) is available for download.

    - Fixed crash when closing the program or updating settings.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 592 (592_64) is available for download.

    - Stop crash with secondary monitor;
    - Support Swiss LV95 coordinates;
    - Add support for Bitmap-7 output.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 593 (593_64) is available for download.

    - Fix to correctly write Naviator charts;
    - Allow transparency writing KMZ and TIFF;
    - Handle MATLAB M-files;
    - Add Monte Mario datum;
    - Choose zoom level when opening MBTiles and SQLiteDB as calibrated maps.

  9. #38
    Garmin Expert babj615's Avatar
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    Nope, not listed, only 592 and lolder.
    Last edited by Boki; 13th February 2022 at 10:56 AM. Reason: unnecessary quote removed

  10. #39
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    Well I have been using v593 64bit for 3 days downloaded from the same linked site.
    Last edited by scubadoo; 13th February 2022 at 06:04 AM.

  11. #40
    Navigation software expert Mapc2mapc &amp; jnxmerge
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    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] 594 (594_64) is available for download.

    - Open some RTMAP files;
    - Grid search for World Files;
    - Wider pen for tracks and crop;
    - Fix batch processing for Bitmap;
    - Updated version of System.Data.SQLite;
    - Change target .NET version to 4.5



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