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  1. #11
    Garmin Expert babj615's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kanopus View Post
    Solution is exactly the same, mark 3 waypoints and add proximity alarms to them. Not all gps support this feature.

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  3. #12
    Navigation software expert A geodetic task with a Garmin handheld
    A geodetic task with a Garmin handheldA geodetic task with a Garmin handheldA geodetic task with a Garmin handheld
    Giomen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by babj615 View Post
    I once was searching for a puzzle type geocache with multiple waypoints. To find the solution for the final location, the user must first find three pre-determined waypoints, each of which has a unique distance measurement associated with it. The final location is precisely the given distance from each of the original three waypoints.
    But I would not think. I will make three pre-determined and will go to a visional center between it. When I will see in waypoint manager what distance for each waypoint is equal to required after some driving correction I will give to rest for legs and will pick up a shovel to hand.
    A similar algorithm I had used when I drove with GPS 72 and paper roads map. I love GPS very much from this time.

    P.S. That is interesting. When I was obliged to play to soldier we have a equipments what have a worth about a million for the solution of similar problems as in this thread!
    Garmin, how much is 30 pieces of silver for Judas today? Were they worthy for crucifix of GPSPower?




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