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  1. #31


    Thanks for the update, turboccc. You are certainly hard to contact (I tried various forums, along with your hotmail account, gotten frorm paypal, since this past October - feel free to PM me that info if it is your choice to do so).

    When changes are made via TTVE, is there a way, from within the program, to listen to the changes made to ensure the pacing, volume, etc. is correct?

    Thanks and best regards,

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  3. #32
    VIP Master TTSVoiceEditor  up to V291 beta
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    I am worried about TurboCCC. I have not seen him post on ANY forums for several months.

    I hope he is OK.

    He helps with many things and is a great forum member.
    Last edited by timp4411; 17th February 2013 at 04:45 AM.

  4. #33
    Garmin/GPS Systems GMod. TTSVoiceEditor  up to V291 beta
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    @timp4411; MarkAtHome,
    There was a post by Loly recently that tubroccc is ok, he just has a new job and is very busy with that presently. Maybe he will find some more time in the future hopefully.
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