I have 3790 us with SG/MY 2.30. And Full Screen Junction View is shown no matter of what option is selected(Half Screen option is ignored). Do you also have same trouble?
So it's always safe to always use RGN files in flashing?
I have 3790 us with SG/MY 2.30. And Full Screen Junction View is shown no matter of what option is selected(Half Screen option is ignored). Do you also have same trouble?
Does it display Thai JCV as well?
I have successfully updated the firmware with boot.bin from US 3.60 + fw_all and fw_resource from CHN 2.20. Unfortunately, there is a alarm screen, which cannot be dismiss, before the setting screen. The computer cannot access the mass storage mode when I tried to connect the gps to computer through usb cable. Anyone has suggestion for me for this situation. Thanks for your help.
Can change 3790 us to 3790v Thai??
Hi, I've been trying to convert US 3760T to SG 3790.
All steps have been followed, however nothing changed
When using updater.exe + modified .rgn, the progress bar straightaway shows 100% for a few seconds then the error info popping up in windows. Nothing changed in my nuvi
Tried another method to directly replace GUPDATE.GCD with the modified one in .System then restart the nuvi, also noting changed
Any solutions?
Last edited by Vega Hardono; 7th September 2012 at 12:45 AM.
For 3750, do I need US boot.bin to flash 3750 with CHN firmware?
Yes, use original boot.bin