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  1. #1

    Default Need help putting new version into XL335.S

    Hello; Now that I have gotten all the parts of the 8.55.2934 Canada/US retail version, can anyone tell me how to use it? I have connected my TomTomXL to the computer, and opened TomTomHome, but it does not see this version in the area that displays available maps. It is also not in the format that I see in the downloaded maps folder of TomTomHome. Can anyone who understands the system shed some light upon it? Thanks. I will be trying to figure it out, and will check back here every once in a while to see if I am lucky enough to have gotten assistance. I am pretty computer literate, but not so much with GPS software. If I figure it out on my own, I will come back and post what I found.


    (Garmin on my motorcycle - updated yesterday, and works great - thanks Noeman)
    (TomTom - working on it)
    (Magellan - that's next, lol)
    (Magellan Roadmate 760 - after the colortrac)

    As can be seen, I have lots of work to do.

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  3. #2
    Junior Member
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    May 2011
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    Unzip all of your downloaded map parts directly into the device disc or copy-past the new folder map into device disc(replace your old map folder), you can first delete the old map folder from your device even, dont forget to create a back-up of your device before you do anything. Now run autoactivator/ fast activator to activate & patch your new map. ( do not use tt home)




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