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  1. #181
    Important User smokefree's Avatar
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    I have recently bought a second hand nüvi 765T. It already came with a (not activated) subscription for TTN (US, CAN). Have entered the TMC ID and FID details for the Netherlands in JM keygen. Now the Traffic Provider Subs menu is showing - besides the TTN subscription - "New Subscription" instead of the name of the provider:


    Traffic Provider is set to "Auto" and has found provider "101.2 FM". Why is only the generic term "New Subscription" shown in the screenshot above?

    Another question: how do I remove the TTN subscription (which I'm not going to use in Europe)? I can't find any "Delete" option, only "Add".

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  3. #182
    Navigation software expert Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
    Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for freeUsing TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    Looks like u used the wrong code, cause when u have the GTM-21 with the latest firmware it should show the name of the traffic provider in the Netherlands. Please note, u need the UnitID of your TMC receiver, not from the 765
    Removing the other code is described here in this thread, basically generate a code with VenID 0 and not 1

  4. #183
    Important User smokefree's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tom1807 View Post
    Looks like u used the wrong code, cause when u have the GTM-21 with the latest firmware it should show the name of the traffic provider in the Netherlands. Please note, u need the UnitID of your TMC receiver, not from the 765
    That's exactly what I did. In the mean time I have acquired a nüvi 775T as well, which behaves in just the same way. I must add that I have not used the nüvi in the car yet, just placed it behind the window at home for satellite reception while connected to the GTM21.

    Quote Originally Posted by tom1807 View Post
    Removing the other code is described here in this thread, basically generate a code with VenID 0 and not 1
    Thanks, will try this. Do I have to do this with each one of the 3 codes you mentioned in post #115?

  5. #184
    Navigation software expert Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    Quote Originally Posted by isg View Post
    TMC Bulgaria - it's free - FID 30721, PID 1, RgnID 1, VenID 1 - life time. Still not working properly, but it will be improved as per providers statements within 2-3 weeks.
    Get it here for free:
    Please Login or Register to see the links
    Possible you have to select United States to see it

  6. #185


    Thanks man! Worked 2nd code I tried! Garmin 2x5 series, GTM 25

  7. #186
    GPSPower Helper Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    Hello, I have a 1390T with GTM25. From file trafficprovider.xml pulled codes cc=11, ecc=162 and ltn 0, 14, 15 = SID7 (and also the Prod ID=482), but which of these values ​​correspond to FID, PID, RgnID and VenID? The TMC provider here (Sao Paulo, Brazil) is Navteq. Thanks
    Last edited by angelozip; 30th May 2011 at 12:07 AM.

  8. #187
    Member + Using TMC in Garmin nuvi for freeUsing TMC in Garmin nuvi for freeUsing TMC in Garmin nuvi for free
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    Anybody know how to master reset subscritions on a GTM-25? Seems there is a maximum number of entry attempts (16?).

    Installed "Australia All" then, then trying "Europe all" got error "Cannot add subscription. You have already added the maximum number of subscriptions". The GTM table at that point had 16 entries, 8 x Australia states listed individually and the first 8 EU countries.

    To remove a subscription you still need to add one (eg Vendor ID = 0) so catch 22 and still getting errors and unable to remove single subscriptions. Interesting however removing "Europe All" still gave the error but unit then rebooted itself and the 8 EU countries were gone.

    Adding "US & Canada All" then worked OK and can now see Aust x 8 and these two entries (US & Canada) for a maximum of 10 in the table....but still getting error trying to add anything else including a single subscription.

    Any ideas?

  9. #188


    What's about Austria & Switzerland? Is there TMC-Pro for free?

  10. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by jgt2007 View Post
    With my nuvi 680 plugged into the traffic receiver I go into the MSN direct icon on the lower right corner and what appears is a 20 character product key for my expired subscription.

    I've looked under the all other menus and can't find "add subscription".
    Has anyone made this work for a nuvi 600 series?
    Is there any other way to get the 10 digit TMC ID?
    The only ten digit ID I've been able to find is my unit ID.
    I have the same problem - Nuvi 680

    Quote Originally Posted by andy1 View Post
    A MSN receiver is different from an ordinary TMC receiver. You will need to buy an alternate to use the codes in this thread.
    When you have one

    Going to menu Tools, Settings, Traffic, Subscriptions should give you the ID.
    I went out and bought another powercord w/ traffic antenna. Same problem. The unit itself seems to only use MSN software. Do I need to change my firmware to allow other traffic subscriptions? Also the above sequence "menu Tools, Settings, Traffic, Subscriptions" does not exist for my Nuvi 680.

    The best I can do is "Tools - Navigation - Avoidances - then check the traffic box

    Just stuck on how to get a TMC ID or which cable to buy exactly. Those things aren't cheap and I don't want to keep buying them using trial and error!

    Any help is appreciated.

    Edit: Found a GTM-10 10 digit code. It stays the same regardless which antenna I use though.
    Last edited by keith13b; 12th June 2011 at 03:46 PM.

  11. #190
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    Quote Originally Posted by keith13b View Post
    I have the same problem - Nuvi 680

    I went out and bought another powercord w/ traffic antenna. Same problem. The unit itself seems to only use MSN software. Do I need to change my firmware to allow other traffic subscriptions? Also the above sequence "menu Tools, Settings, Traffic, Subscriptions" does not exist for my Nuvi 680.

    The best I can do is "Tools - Navigation - Avoidances - then check the traffic box

    Just stuck on how to get a TMC ID or which cable to buy exactly. Those things aren't cheap and I don't want to keep buying them using trial and error!

    Any help is appreciated.

    Edit: Found a GTM-10 10 digit code. It stays the same regardless which antenna I use though.
    You need a GTM21 - about $40.
    Plug it in.
    Power GPS
    turn off gps
    Use garmin webupdater to ensure gtm correct firmware
    power up gps again with gtm21
    you should have options to add subscriptions.

    PS most gtm come with a subscription.



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