Hi hope someone will have an answer to this. I have opened the English_American.vpm voice that was loaded originally on my nuvi 205 with voice editor and it extracted the sample_000.bin file and from sample_001.wav to sample_116.wav edited it and it worked fine on my GPS.
I have updated my voice files on the GPS the other day and wanted to use the new English_American.vpm in voice_editor_v0.8 when I opened the new English_American.vpm it did not load into the buttons in voice editor. It did however extracted the files but this time the wav files was from sample_001.wav to sample_131.wav plus another file sample_langdesc.ini. If i try to open the bin file in voice editor it also does not load into the buttons.
I have compared the wav files from the old and new files and the are not the same eg
old sample_052.wav is incompatible audio version and the new sample_052.wav is immediately.
Any idea why the new vbp and bin files does not load into the buutons?
and this file extracted sample_000.bin but all af a sud