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  1. #1
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    Default How to update maps on a street pilot 2720

    Hello mates and thanks for all your useful tips. This is my situation.

    I've latest version of MapSource installed with the europe 2011.32 unlocked thanks to GMAP UNLOCKER. I can see all the Europe Maps without problems.

    How can I upload these maps on my 2720? I've tried MapInstall and MapSource but I'm not able to delete all the previous maps on the 2720 to upload the newst ones. The software tell me that I've just 500Mb free on the unit.

    All the legitimate upgrade I've done in the past were done using the Garmin DVD with a software CNEUNT2008.exe so I imagine that I would need something like CNEUNT2011.exe to delete the old maps and install the new ones.

    Is this correct? There's any other way I can put the new maps on my unit?

    I've also IMGMAPSUPP.IMG unlocked that it's supposed to be the file to be replaced on the unit but I'm unable to see the 2720 as a disk so I cannot in any way upload this image on the unit.

    I really don't know what to do so any help is really appreciated...

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  3. #2
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    I copy and paste from a post i've read on Smellybiker's Wanderlust Worldmap --thanks Hans for your post
    coz I think you can try :

    I've got an European 2720 and I also like to change sometimes the primary map on my Garmin. Well... just this week I found a solution on an Dutch forum. It's so simple...

    You need this:
    An SD card (at least 2GB)
    An SD card reader, attached to your computer
    City Navigator NT Europe (or whatever map you want) installed on your computer
    The MapID from that map
    WebUpdater.exe (you can find in the Mapsource or Garmin directory)

    Let's say I want to change the primary North American map in a European map. First thing to do is to make an imagefile from that European Map. Start MapSource, install City Navigator NT Europe on your computer and select all the maps. Put an SD card in your computer (maybe you have to buy an SDcard reader,I've got an build-in at my Asus Eee). You can now send the maps also to the SD card instead of sending them to your 2720. Send the selected (red) maps to you SD card. Now you can take a coffee of three, four, or go painting your bathroom. It took about an hour and a half on my computer to send the map to the SD card.

    Take a look at that card when it's ready. You'll see that MapSource have make a folder on it with the name 'Garmin'. In that folder you'll find an image with the name GMAPSUPP.img
    Rename that imagefile to GMAPPROM.img and put it in a map on your computer, let's say in C:\GARMIN
    Open a DOS box and go to the map C:\GARMIN
    Give this command: C:\Garmin\WebUpdater.exe /upload_file rgn=XX path=C:\Garmin\GMAPPROM.IMG -autorun usb /unlock_check fid=XXXX pid=X /i (sustitute XXX with your map FID values)
    Again it will take a long time to upload the file to your 2720.

    But... that's all folks! It's simple as that. After this you have a new map on your 2720. The GMAPPROM.img has overwrited the original one. And you have still plenty of room for other material. If you send some maps thru MapSource directly to your 2720, those maps will get the name GMAPSUPP.img and won't overwrite your just built primary mapping.
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  4. #3
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    Thanks Catymag, I've found this procedure, a little different, on the net and followed steps by step. It worked!!! Now I've my 2720 with the newst maps.

    Here's the complete procedure so someone other can benefit and update his 2720. Credit go to blankman on the gpspassion forum. I've edited his tutorial.

    Before doing this I inform you that I've downloaded the West & Central Europe NT 2011.32 Img Unlocked 1.75GB For 2GB SD from a Kor@l and then I've followed this procedure

    1. Connect the 2720 with the USB Cable
    2. Copy the gmapsupp.img (unlocked) that you've just downloaded in the C:\Garmin folder
    3. Rename gmapsupp.img to gmapprom.img
    4. Check to see if a WebUpdater folder is inside the C:\Garmin folder. I don't have it inside so I've copied the WebUpdater folder in the C:\Garmin folder
    5. Create a new notepad document and paste this text in it

    C:\Garmin\WebUpdater\WebUpdater.exe /upload_file rgn=49 path=C:\Garmin\gmapprom.img -autorun usb /i

    6. Save this text file with a name you want but, IMPORTANT, with the .bat extension. Mine was named 2720update.bat
    7. When you double-click the SP2720_Update.BAT file, a command-line window should open up on your Desktop, plus WebUpdater should open and report that it's erasing your old maps and copying your new mapset into your SP2720. It will show you a "percent complete" indication as it goes along. When it's complete, WebUpdater will end and close the command-line window with it, at which point, your SP2720 will now have a fresh set of maps.

    I've credited the two people where I've downloaded the unlocked img and where I've found the instructions. Thanks again Catymag...
    Last edited by catymag; 28th December 2010 at 02:45 AM. Reason: links removed, sorry not allowed

  5. #4
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    nice sorry I've removed links, not allowed
    I add this in our tutorials
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  6. #5
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    it works with a 2720 and a c330 also
    Last edited by cbr1000f; 2nd January 2011 at 09:17 PM.

  7. #6
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    Default Still have problems here up north :-(

    Hi, Im new to computers and do not how to open a DOS box :-(...I have just bought a secondhand 2720 America model, with new US maps, registration papers and latest updates...the problem is taht I will use it northern Europe...so...I downloaded a new routable base map.v 5 and the central and western europe maps 2011.32 ( map Id= 2281 and 1.75 Gb...Can someone please tak me through the download to the 2720..step by step please and how the files should be named...and is it possible to dowload the basemap and 2011.32 maps in one go??

    All help appreciated ..

  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by catymag View Post
    ... rgn=XX ...
    Quote Originally Posted by ultrasheer View Post
    ... rgn=49 ...
    I'm unclear as to the 'RGN' parameter. This might be obvious but I can't seem to figure out how the value is determined? Thanks!

  9. #8
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    The rgn 49 value refers to a memory region within the GPS.

    an interesting doc. about webupdater :
    Usage: WebUpdater command line options:
    <pathname> - Name of file to send to the unit
    [/i] - WebUpdater should be run in installer mode.
    [/k] - WebUpdater should keep running after a successful transfer.
    [/autorun usb|serial] - WebUpdater should autodetect a USB or serial device and begin transfer immediately.
    [/checksum_check rgn=<rgnnum> chk=<chksum>] - After transferring data to the region specified, WebUpdater will request the unit to checksum this region.
    [/unlock_check fid=<familyid> pid=<productid>] - Before transferring data, WebUpdater will ensure that the user has unlock codes for the given family and product.
    [/sacrifice_maps rgn=<rgnnum>] - WebUpdater will ask the unit if <rgnnum> is large enough for the data it will receive. If not, MapSource maps will be erased to make room.
    [/offline path=<location of Package.XML>] - WebUpdater will perform the update using Package.XML instead of the Garmin server.
    [/upload_file rgn=<rgnnum> path=<location of img file> -autorun usb|serial] - Performs image transfer.
    [/offline path=<location of update files> -autorun usb|serial] - Performs all updates in the given folder.
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  10. #9
    Member + How to update maps on a street pilot 2720How to update maps on a street pilot 2720 tli's Avatar
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    Thanks for this very useful info. Would the RGN value change depending on the GPS device? '49' is for the SP2720 then. Would the value be the same for the SP C340?

  11. #10
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    Yes it is the same
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600




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