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  1. #1
    Important User TomTom Keygen 4.1D
    TomTom Keygen 4.1DTomTom Keygen 4.1DTomTom Keygen 4.1DTomTom Keygen 4.1DTomTom Keygen 4.1DTomTom Keygen 4.1DTomTom Keygen 4.1D
    catymag's Avatar
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    Default TomTom Keygen 4.1D

    TomTom Keygen 4.1D
    Always before patching your map update the meta.txt file using the button "downloads" and always make sure you backup your original map if you have one on your system or sd card as this keygen will overwrite your original dct.

    • The program works with XP, Vista And Windows 7

    • This is an all in 1 keygen and is very user friendly the buttons are self explanatory

    • To patch a map use the button "Make map keys" and then "Create Dct"

    • To patch a original ttsystem file use button "patch system"

    If you have any questions please ask in this thread.

    Courtesy of BenBBS


    TomTom Keygen 2010 4.1D (Attached Below)

    Able to patch V9 navcore.
    Able to patch TruckMaps
    A repack of the keygen plus some minor bugfix

    What do the buttons do..?
    Map V8 Keygen = Make Keys for the Maps on device
    Pic that looks like a house = Patch TThome .dll
    pic with map = Drag & Drop your maps to TomTom device or SD card. and above check box is to copy to SD card when you have Device with SD card inserted (UNziped folder only)
    pic with tomtom screen = Patch Navcore 8 TTsystem only
    pic with Speedcam = download speedcams
    pic with meta = download meta
    pic with power = Shut Down keygen

    Start the Keygen, but before you patch, update the meta.txt by clicking "Download", then "Meta".
    Run 4.1D as administrator

    If you get Error message msinet.ocx not registered, leave KG 4.1D running & look in the 4.1D folder. Run the "register msinet.ocx.bat" file.
    If you still get an error then copy the msinet.ocx to the windows\system32 folder and run the ( register msinet.ocx.bat)
    If that doesn't work reinstall Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 service pack 1 or later.

    There is no Trojan or Virus in this KeyGen.
    credit to djc151084

    Attached Files Attached Files
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

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  3. #2


    Many thanks - had problems getting this to work on my GO-750 but all is sorted now - the problem was the program wasn't updating the "metar" file with the latest one, you NEED to get a copy of that first for it to work otherwise you'll get nothing but errors....

    Have added latest metar file as attachment.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by kaimaikid; 3rd July 2010 at 03:13 AM. Reason: add metar file

  4. #3


    Thanks for the advice, however there doesn't seem to be a valid file at the end of the link to the keygen, could someone please verify the link and repost one that works. Thanks

  5. #4
    Junior Member 03Mach1's Avatar
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    Corrupt Tomtom4.exe in this file. Should you only get CRC.exe, Lngset.ini and meta.txt in the rar?
    Last edited by 03Mach1; 12th October 2010 at 09:30 PM.

  6. #5


    Apologies if this is the wrong place to post... I'm having real difficulty understanding all the steps required to install and 'validate' an updated map on my fairly ancient TomTom One Europe. Here's what I've managed thus far:
    1. I've successfully updated the bootloader in order that the unit can boot from >1Gb SDcards.
    2. I cloned my original 1G SDCard to a new 4G SDcard, and checked that it all works ok.
    3. Followed the link on here [I'd post the link but my count is too low!] and successfully (if painfully slowly!) downloaded v855 of Western and Central Europe. I then successfully extracted the files with WinRAR to a directory.
    4. After some head-scratching I figured out how the meta string thingy works.
    5. Downloaded TomTom keygen2009 from this thread (and successfully figured out how to register the msinet.ocx after more head-scratching and googling).
    6. Used keygen2009 to successfully upload my decompressed map to the 4G SDcard, and used keygen2009 to successfully generate the appropriate meta on the SDcard (Note: the keygen2009 I downloaded from here *does* appear to contain a trojan, keep your defences up when using!

    However, when I insert the 4G card into my TomTom, the only map I can see/select is the original Western Europe c.2006 version 660.1266.

    I have tried removing the old directory, and editing the CurrentMap.dat file, and changing the names left, right and centre, but I still can't get the process to work. I feel I'm close tho!

    Are there any bright sparks out there who can tell me what I'm doing wrong, or who can point me at an idiot's stepwise instruction sequence to achieve a map update.

    Thank you kindly in advance,


  7. #6


    Virus alert: to be more specific re the above, it is the each-time generated keygen2009\HomePatcher.exe which according to NOD32 appears to contain 'a variant of Win32/Agent.CELRNDL trojan'.




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