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  1. #1
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    Default unl file with a mac?

    Hi guys, I own a mac and I travel a lot. Loading the image file is a great help for me when I visit a new country.
    But, the img file will not come up on my installed list of maps in Basecamp.
    When I create a unl file will they come up?
    Can I create a unl file unlock code on a other computer?

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  3. #2
    Important User unl file with a mac?
    unl file with a mac?unl file with a mac?unl file with a mac?unl file with a mac?unl file with a mac?unl file with a mac?unl file with a mac?
    catymag's Avatar
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    to see your img in Basecamp read here
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    but you need windows or do it with an hexeditor
    and you need windows to use Jetmouse kg
    read also
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Last edited by catymag; 20th September 2010 at 01:08 PM.
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600




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