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    Default I need help on my garmin nuvi 855 error " no map data available "

    Name : llen
    Join Date : 08/25/2010
    Phone Model :nokia 5800
    How Did You Get Here : google
    Brief Description Of Yourself : medium built
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    does anyone know how to copy the POI of Philippine roadguide and paste it on OSM?

    heres what happed. i installed a gmappsupp.img on my unit using a data chord and backedup the file gmapprom.img, after i backed it up i erased the gmapprom in the nuvi 855, then after a day i copied my backup file back to my nuvi 855. then after 3days when i used my garmin i noticed the error message "no map data available" i tried to copy it again because i thought the file got corrupted. but the fil isn't corrupted and i chkdsk my garmin for errors and it says no error found. i also noticed that most of the time i can disconnect the data cable safely from the computer so everytime i use the data cable i shutdown my computer before disconnecting it. can any body help me pls i dont have a backup of the software of my 855

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