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  1. #1
    Master Thefatboy's Avatar
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    Guide Garmin Language Guide

    Garmin Language Guide
    Requirements: Garmin Nüvi Series 3XX, 6XX, 7XX, 8XX and 5000 (Note: Not working in US/EU nuvi7x5 with fw v4.00>, but see base of this post for possible workaround.[*])
    Overview: The optional Garmin Language Guide contains a multilingual word bank, phrase bank and five bilingual dictionaries (with data provided by Oxford University Press). It replaces the "Lite" version installed on the Nüvi.

    The multilingual word and phrase bank supports nine languages and dialects, including American English, British English, French, German, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, European Portuguese, European Spanish, and Latin American Spanish.

    Using the Language Guide, you can look up and translate more than 17,000 words or 20,000 phrases per language. And with nüvi’s text-to-speech interface, you can get a spoken pronunciation of each word or phrase in the data bank, along with gender and part-of-speech information.

    N.B. I've carefully read the whole Garmin Travel Guide: Europe post (by the way: I tried to install that Travel Guide on my Nüvi 760 with NO success... ) and I think this is more or less the same case. I don't have the possibility to prove, as I got the original (purchased) product, installed first on my "old" Nüvi 360 and now on my new Nüvi 760; so, good luck to all

    More Info: MapId = 900

    Please Login or Register to see the links
    Download and Installation Guide:
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    Extract to find 'jmgkg13mod6.exe' keygen and Garmin folder containing 'LEX_PKG' folder and 'gmapsupp.unl' file. Open the unl file in a text editor such as NotePad and paste in the code generated by keygen as shown in image below taking care to avoid any spaces at either end or carriage return. Place both the 'LEX_PKG' folder and the updated 'gmapsupp.unl' file into the unit's Garmin folder. Firstly backup and remove any existing LEX_PKG sample if it's present.

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    P.S. For make this to work properly, you need to install AT LEAST the TTS language files corresponding to the language contained into the Guide (or at least the languages you're interested in). By default, they were all installed but sometimes the unused ones have been deleted to gain memory space on device. Use [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] to replace them if necessary.

    [*]If you really want it to work in nuvi7x5, you can try a flash to Asian firmware:
    Quote Originally Posted by RDesikan View Post
    I have a 765T and I have this same problem, Jill speaks the directions just fine, but is completely silent in the language guide. I only have the Spanish tts voices installed for the guide but they don't work either. The dictionaries work just fine though.
    Quote Originally Posted by RDesikan View Post
    I am not sure if this is a fix or not but using this tool [Only registered and activated users can see links. ] I got the voices in the dictionary to work. HOWEVER, I had to flash my device with hybrid singapore firmware, so that may not be for everyone. I didn't figure this out, Neil did.
    Quote Originally Posted by Neil View Post
    Details for cross-flash of US/EU nuvi 765 to hybrid Asian firmware as done by RDesikan are in this thread: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ].

    For 2010 version [suitable for 1xxx and later capable devices], go here: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]
    Last edited by Neil; 24th March 2016 at 11:41 PM. Reason: Removed obsolete link and attach on server(files courtesy of lolypop000).
    Happy it sunny Thailand

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  3. #2


    Thanks for posting this app.

    After much trial and error I was able to get this to work on my NUVI 350.

    I was unable to install the app using a 2GB PQI SD card (7 digit ID).
    However, I was able to install using 512MB Patriot SD card (10 digit ID).

    Apparently the SD card brand plays a big role in determining whether the app will install or not. It may be you need to use an SD card with a 10 digit ID before the NUVI will install from it.

    I used the “garmin_keygen_v1.5.exe” keygen, SD card ID, and selected the “Garmin Language Guide” in the “Select Map Product:” field. I then added the generated number to the “gmapsupp.unl” on the SD card and then inserted the card into the already on NUVI. The NUVI then prompted to install new data.

    This is the actual keygen I used: [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

  4. #3
    VIP Master Garmin Language Guide
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    HI. What version of the Language is this one ?

    Is it the latest version ?


    Well... I got the Lang. Guide loaded.

    But... I have very feew options for the translation languages.

    One I was really hoping to have is the English to French phrases. I have thre French TTS voice loaded, but there is no option for the French language phrase on my 885t.

    I even tried deleting and re-loading thre GLG, but no luck.

    Anyone have any idea what my problem could be ?


  5. #4
    VIP Master Garmin Language Guide
    Garmin Language Guide
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    Does not work on my 760. This is what I do, please advise if I'm doing something wrong:
    - copied the package onto a SanDisk SD 2 GB card (with a 10 digit serial no. :-)
    - at that point, the SD card contains: a main directory called Garmin - which contains a subdirectory called LEX_PKG and a gmapsupp.unl.
    - ran keygen 1.5 with “Garmin Language Guide” in the “Select Map Product” field and added the key to the .unl file.
    - turned on the 760 without the SD card. Inserted the SD card.
    - at this point, I expected to get an installation request. However the SD card is just ignored.

  6. #5


    Having used the Jetmouse key generator to unlock the Language map can you tell me why I am not able to paste the code into the GMAPSUPP.UNL file?
    When I right click the file there is no option to paste into it.


  7. #6



    Use a text editor. Notepad works well to do the job. Open the file in NOTEPAD.EXE or just drag "GMAPSUPP.UNL" file to the Notepad application.
    Mark the 25-character code at the bottom field in JetMouse KG and copy with Ctrl+C. Paste in Notepad or other text editor with Ctrl+V (or the lengthy slower method from Edit -> Paste menu selections).

    Make sure that you file extension is "UNL" and not "UNL.TXT" when you save the file. Only 25 characters without blanks or carriage return / line feeds.

  8. #7
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    Does anybody know if Marco Polo Travel Guide and Language Guide works with Nuvi 3790T?

  9. #8
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    What edition/year is this version?

  10. #9
    Important User Garmin Language Guide
    Garmin Language GuideGarmin Language GuideGarmin Language GuideGarmin Language GuideGarmin Language GuideGarmin Language GuideGarmin Language Guide
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    it's 2009 version--
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by ocsi_2004 View Post
    Does anybody know if Marco Polo Travel Guide and Language Guide works with Nuvi 3790T?
    ocsi. Marco Polo Travel guide works on 3790, Language guide no




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