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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic_bullet View Post
    ...but still does'nt alert me.
    On my unit I have to have a route active for it to route me around traffic. If it doesn't know where you're going, how should it know where to re-route you?

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  3. #22


    Did anyone has any luck with TTN in Canada and US?

  4. #23
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    Smile [solved!]

    I am having the same problem of traffic reports not popping up on the map screen either when just driving around, or if there is a traffic condition on a route. I am using a Nuvi 850 (Software version 4.7) with a GTM-20 traffic receiver (software version 5.5). There are two working lifetime subscriptions, TTN & Navteq, both for US. Traffic receiver goes green indicating good traffic data being received, but I have never seen a single alert pop up on the map screen. Last week we were navigating on a major highway which had road construction. We were navigating to a destination which the Nuvi included this particular highway. No alert about the construction ever poped up, but when I manually went to menu->settings->traffic, it said there was road construction .7 miles ahead. It then offered to avoid the delay.

    It is my understanding that if you are not navigating to a destination, and just driving around, alerts are supposed to pop up if they are ahead on the road on which you are driving. If you are navigating, and something either developes or was there at the time you calculated the route to the destination, it is supposed to warn you and offer to avoid it for you.

    I have turned on the avoid traffic option in the navigation setup, and still no notifications unless I specifically go to traffic to pull them up manually.

    I have info from another forum which addresses this problem, and the solution had to do with naming the mapset. When I first went to map setup, and asked for map info, all it displayed was "CN North America NT 2011.10" Nothing else. I opened gmapprom.img in the garmin folder of the Nuvi with gmaptool, and renamed the mapset to "CN North America NT 2011.10 All" and wrote that back. Now when I go to map info, it displays "CN North America NT 2011.10" and directly underneath that is also displays, "[1] All" I have tried all upper case ALL and lower case "All" Neither spelling enables the popup alerts. With everything I have already tried, does anyone else have any other suggestions that I may not have tried? If you have solved this problem, what did you do that I haven't already done?

    Thanks in advance,


    06/30/2010 - Update: Apparantly, adding " All" after the mapset name DID fix the problem! Last week I traveled to a nearby major city, and traffic notifications began popping up, whether or not I was navigating to a destination. I think the problem may be that when I am near my home location, although I can receive traffic reports, there are no updates for my particular city. As soon as I traveled into a city that does have traffic coverage, everything seems to work fine.

    Last edited by Howard2689; 1st July 2010 at 03:44 AM. Reason: Updated info

  5. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by rmatsuoka View Post
    I did this with my nuvi 760 and it display that my signute is Lifetime Subscription, but only for a few minutes, then it returns showing expired subscription, this is for the TTN (US).

    The Navteq (US) works fine, is OK.

    I use the GTM20 traffic receiver attached to the Nuvi 760, my software version is the last v4.9 .
    Same problem here....Why it is doing this???

  6. #25


    hi is the code for the SUNA traffic in Sydney correct? I have followed the instruction it works great in Canberra but not in Sydney I am using a GTM 10 TMC receiver

    Any help would be appreciated

  7. #26

    Default Abbonements added

    For some of these Counties i got no detail abonement information.
    For Example Slovenia, hungary, Netherland. There ist only a Information "Neues Abonement hinzugefügt" - New Abonement added" For Other Countries I got detail information and they work fine.

    Is this correct? Maybee it is necessary to have FM- connection?


  8. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stauni View Post
    For some of these Counties i got no detail abonement information.
    For Example Slovenia, hungary, Netherland. There ist only a Information "Neues Abonement hinzugefügt" - New Abonement added" For Other Countries I got detail information and they work fine.

    Is this correct? Maybee it is necessary to have FM- connection?

    It depends on you GTM model
    It is correct and works correctly (in my experience).
    It may change the details when switched on to receive satellites and radio signal at the same time. Sometime this does not work but data still received.

  9. #28
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    Hi all:
    I have TMG 25 with nuvi 255W and the cods for US works for me.
    I will have to see if it alerts me!

  10. #29
    Dead Bird Dog


    The NAVTEQ code worked fine for me also but the TTN code did not. It showed lifetime for a couple minutes and then reverted to expired. Any suggestions on how to get TTN working? The NAVTEQ coverage where I live is less than ideal. Nuvi 760 on 4.80 firmware.

  11. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dead Bird Dog View Post
    The NAVTEQ code worked fine for me also but the TTN code did not. It showed lifetime for a couple minutes and then reverted to expired. Any suggestions on how to get TTN working? The NAVTEQ coverage where I live is less than ideal. Nuvi 760 on 4.80 firmware.
    Which GTM are you using - I have seen a few of these comments now. Lets see if there is a pattern?




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