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    Important User [java]Wayviewer LocViewer Pro v2.10 J2ME-cra cked by N0ePDA
    [java]Wayviewer LocViewer Pro v2.10 J2ME-cra cked by N0ePDA[java]Wayviewer LocViewer Pro v2.10 J2ME-cra cked by N0ePDA[java]Wayviewer LocViewer Pro v2.10 J2ME-cra cked by N0ePDA[java]Wayviewer LocViewer Pro v2.10 J2ME-cra cked by N0ePDA[java]Wayviewer LocViewer Pro v2.10 J2ME-cra cked by N0ePDA[java]Wayviewer LocViewer Pro v2.10 J2ME-cra cked by N0ePDA[java]Wayviewer LocViewer Pro v2.10 J2ME-cra cked by N0ePDA
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    Default [java]Wayviewer LocViewer Pro v2.10 J2ME-cra cked by N0ePDA

    Wayviewer LocViewer Pro v2.10 J2ME-cra cked by N0ePDA

    z7qk14 CELL locviewer4

    LocViewer Pro offers the following capabilies beyond the function range of LocViewer:
    - a direction arrow in the map display, whose length changes speed-dependently,
    - storage of waypoints,
    - import of waypoints from and export into GPX files,
    - sending of the current position by SMS,
    - logging of the raw NMEA data into a file.
    For file access the mobile phone must support additionally JSR 75 or the proprietary Siemens way. For the sending of the postion by SMS JSR 120 is required.
    GPX files (GPS Exchange format) have become a pseudo standard for the exchange of waypoints. GPX files can be converted into many other formats (e.g. see GPSBabel). Currently LocViewer Pro supports the GPX 1.1 Schema. If files are stored in GPX 1.0 Schema, GPSBabel can be used for the conversion too.
    GPX files can contain several waypoints, routes, or tracks. A route is an ordered list of waypoints, which represents intermediate stops to a final destination. A track is in contrast an ordered list of points, which describe a path. Generally a track contains a lot of points. In order not to exceed the processor power of the mobile phone, tracks are not supported by LocViewer Pro at present. Internally in LocViewer Pro waypoints are administered generally in routes.
    - Unzip the file LocViewerPro.zip on a PC and install the application according to the type of your mobile phone. Further references you can find in the FAQ.
    - Make sure that Internet access is configured correctly (GPRS or UMTS preferred). Any Internet sites must be accessible, not only those of your provider.
    - For file storage LocViewer Pro requires a folder Data inbox. This folder normally already exists on Siemens phones. On other mobile phones this folder must be created at a suitable location. LocViewer Pro looks for it in the roots of the file systems, i.e. also on a possibly existing memory card, as well as in the standard folders for pictures, tones, videos, and others. If it cannot be found, it will be created automatically in one of these folders.
    The file system access is extremely restrictively implemented in the operating systems of the mobile phones for security reasons. On non Siemens phones the file system access might be refused by default without further inquiry to the user. Therefore please make sure to setup your security settings in such a way that the user is asked before file system access.
    Please pay also attention to the Usage instructions of the basic version!
    The Pro functions can be selected in the main menue, in "Maps", and in "GPS data". The speed-dependent direction arrow is available in the map display automatically.
    Administration of routes
    - Copy the GPX files to be imported into the folder Data inbox.
    - Call menu item "Waypoints". Acknowledge later security questions with "For session".
    - In the list appear the already imported routes. With "Options" one can select the desired action.
    - Selecting a route one can display its detailed information.
    - Selecting the option "Import" one comes to the listing of the files existing in the folder Data inbox. With the selection of a file the import starts. The import can be stopped at any time. After successful import the file can be deleted optionally. Since a GPX file can contain more than one route, also more than one route can be created during the import procedure. "Free ones" of waypoints, which are not bound to a route in the GPX file, are combined in LocViewer Pro into a route.
    - New routes can be created with "New". A name for the route must be entered. A description is optional.
    - With "Export" the selected route is exported into a GPX file. The file is created in the folder Data inbox. If the target file already exists, the user is requested for confirmation.
    - With "Delete" the selected route and with "Delete all" all routes can be deleted from the internal storage.
    Additional functions in "Map"
    Under "Options" the option "Waypoints" is available with the functions described above. When the map display is called for the first time, it is not linked with a route. If one selects a route and confirms the detail display with OK, this route is selected as the current route. Also newly created routes become the current.
    - Indication of the waypoints in the map display. If the actualization of the GPS data is switched on, the map section remains and only the waypoints are indicated, that are located in this map section. If the GPS data actualization was switched off before route selection, the map section is selected in such a way that all waypoints can be indicated. In this way a summary presentation of the route is possible.
    - With the option "Save" the current position can be added as a waypoint to the current route. For that the current GPS position must be valid. A name for the waypoint must be entered. A description is optional.
    - The current position can be sent by SMS with the option "Send". Latitude and longitude are put into the lower text field. The text can be edited, e.g. a call for help can be added. In the upper text field the telephone number of the receiver has to be entered.
    Additional functions in "GPS data"
    - Storage of the current position as a waypoint as described above.
    - Sending of the current position by SMS as described above.
    Logging of GPS raw data
    The NMEA raw data can be logged into a file. This function can be switched on in the main menue with "NMEA log on" and switched off with "NMEA log off". The file is being created in the folder Data inbox. The file name can be specified in the menu item "Options". Default is nmea.log.
    There is nearly no limit for the further processing of the NMEA log files. E.g. a conversion into other formats is possible using GPSBabel.
    With an internal GPS receiver logging is possible only if the mobile phone supports the access to the NMEA raw data.
    LocViewer loads map sections according to the current position from a Web service from the Internet and indicates the position on the display of the mobile phone. As data source e.g. road maps or satellite photos can be selected. In addition the speed and the moving direction are indicated. The map sections can be panned and zoomed.
    In order to reduce data traffic, the map sections are stored in the mobile phone. So a map section must be downloaded only once.
    LocViewer runs on all phones which support at least CLDC 1.1 and MIDP 2.0 and allow access to Bluetooth (JSR 82) or the serial interface (data cable). That applies to nearly all current mobile phone models. Alternatively an integrated GPS receiver can be used if it can be accessed using JSR 179.
    GPS receivers with Bluetooth or serial interface are supported, which provide the NMEA 0183 sentences GGA and VTG or RMC. That nearly all at the market available might be.
    In the connection mode "Network/Internal" the Location API (JSR 179) is used. In this case no external GPS receiver is needed. In this case the location is determined by the GPS receiver or by the network provider. This functionality is obviously supported however in Germany so far by no provider.
    Apart from the hardware, a free ESRI Global Account is the only prerequisite for the use of LocViewer. After the creation of your account, please dont forget to register for the ESRI ArcWeb Services–Public Services account in a second step.
    - If applicable switch on GPRS.
    - Start LocViewer.
    - In Menu "Options" enter user name and password of your ESRI account and change the desired connection mode if necessary. On Bluetooth capable mobile phones Bluetooth is preset, otherwise the data cable. In addition with selection of the data cable the Baud rate can be changed. The NMEA default value of 4800 Bit/s is preset. As data source for locations in Europe TA.Streets.EU is recommended. If needed, the automatic or manual altitude correction can be activated.
    - To display the map section choose "Map". In the top the coordinates, the altitude, the speed, and the driving direction are indicated. The display can be switched to show UTM coordinates (Universal Transverse Mercator) or MGRS/UTMREF coordinates (Military Grid Reference System). In this case the Zone, Easting, and Northing are displayed. This information as well as the permanent position actualization can be switched off in the menu. The color of the cursor reflects the validity of the GPS data.
    - The map section can be zoomed or panned with the Joystick or with the numerical keys. In this case the position actualization as well as the information indication are switched off automatically.
    - The actualization of the position and the information indication can be switched on at any time in the menu again.
    - The essential GPS data can be displayed by choosing "GPS data". One can switch between geographic, UTM, and MGRS/UTMREF coordinates using the menu.
    - With the menu option "Maps" the map sections stored in the mobile phone can be displayed and if necessary deleted. In the map overview the map sections are listed with their numbers as well as minimum and maximum longitudes and latitudes. Individual map sections can be displayed simply by choosing them.
    - In the menu "Options" the selected map sections can be deleted. Furthermore it is possible to delete ranges or all map sections. For the definition of the ranges to be deleted the data source, as well as longitude and latitude can be entered. All map sections which originate from the specified data source and whose coordinates smaller or larger than the specified once will be deleted than.

    please read .nfo file
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    Last edited by catymag; 21st February 2010 at 10:48 PM.
    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

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  3. #2
    Master [java]Wayviewer LocViewer Pro v2.10 J2ME-cra cked by N0ePDA[java]Wayviewer LocViewer Pro v2.10 J2ME-cra cked by N0ePDA usitaly's Avatar
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    LocViewer 2.1.2 J2ME{load map sections according to the current position}


    LocViewer loads map sections according to the current position from a Web service from the Internet and indicates the position on the display of the mobile phone. As data source e.g. road maps or satellite photos can be selected. In addition the speed and the moving direction are indicated. The map sections can be panned and zoomed.
    In order to reduce data traffic, the map sections are stored in the mobile phone. So a map section must be downloaded only once.
    LocViewer runs on all phones which support at least CLDC 1.1 and MIDP 2.0 and allow access to Bluetooth (JSR 82) or the serial interface (data cable). That applies to nearly all current mobile phone models. Alternatively an integrated GPS receiver can be used if it can be accessed using JSR 179.
    GPS receivers with Bluetooth or serial interface are supported, which provide the NMEA 0183 sentences GGA and VTG or RMC. That nearly all at the market available might be.
    In the connection mode "Network/Internal" the Location API (JSR 179) is used. In this case no external GPS receiver is needed. In this case the location is determined by the GPS receiver or by the network provider. This functionality is obviously supported however in Germany so far by no provider.
    LocViewer can load maps from Google Maps, Yahoo! Maps from the specified data source and whose coordinates smaller or larger than the specified once will be deleted than.
    What's New in This Release:
    · Manual altitude correction for internal GPS receivers, Bluetooth URL editable.
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