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    Default Garmin ViajerosMapas ARGENTINA ,CHILE, BOLIVIA , PERÚ

    Garmin ViajerosMapas ARGENTINA , CHILE, BOLIVIA , PERÚ


    version 20-11-2009

    Vector maps of the area mountainous Argentina (from W65 meridian to the west and from north latitude S50).

    # In the provinces cover ARGENTINA: Jujuy, Salta, Tucuman, Catamarca, La Rioja, Santiago del Estero, San Juan, San Luis, Mendoza, Neuquen, Rio Black, Chubut, Santa Cruz and north west of La Pampa, we also include Chaco, Formosa and part of Corrientes.

    # In Chile covers much of its territory (nearly 85%), from O'Higgins (Southern Ice Field) to Arica (Border with Peru).

    # In BOLIVIA cover the entire country: from the East: Santa Cruz, Chiquitos.
    La Selva: Areas of the rivers Madre de Dios, Beni, Mamore and Madeira, with roads, trails and trails linking the towns of Trinidad, Rurenabaque, Riberalta Guayaramerín, Ascension and Cobija.
    The Plateau: From Cochabamba, La Paz, Oruro, Lake Titicaca, Salar de Uyuni, to North and Lipez Lípez south (lakes and volcanoes).

    # In PERU cover from the south: Tacna, Mollendo, Arequipa and Puno to Cusco Zones (Machu Picchu), Nasca, Abancay, Ayacucho, Pisco and Lima.
    On this wild, comprising the areas of: Puerto Maldonado, Iniapari.
    And part of the border states of Brazil: Acre and Rondonia roads connecting the cities of Rio Branco, Guayara Mirim and Vilhena.

    We specifically avoided the densely urbanized areas of the center-east of Argentina, Bahia Blanca, Mar del Plata, La Plata, Buenos Aires and Greater Buenos Aires, Rosario, Santa Fe and Cordoba (leaving the drawing of those great cities who have the material and knowledge to do so).

    more infos:

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    These maps work exclusively in Garmin brand GPS receivers (MR).

    For viewing on PC you must have installed the MapSource software

    To load the maps to the GPS receiver can use the same Garmin MapSource software or others like SendMap or MapUpload to get free on the Web

    2009-11-20 VERSION:

    NOTE: Does not work with later versions of MapSource to 6.13.7.

    MapSource (r) V6.13.7 can be downloaded from this link Garmin
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    new version here

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    You have to navigate to get to the good.

    Galaxy S5 Kitkat 4.4.2 / Nuvi1200->1250 / Nuvi3790T->34xx / Nuvi 2200 / Nuvi 66 / Oregon 600

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  3. #2


    Somebody know what "Vectorial Maps" means? is the same than topographics?




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