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  1. #1

    Wink WM:->Filibe Soft Filibe Device Locator v1.1.XScale.Incl.Keygen-SyMPDA

    Filibe Soft Filibe Device Locator v1.1.XScale.Incl.Keygen-SyMPDA
    This software is a very simple way to remotely track Windows Mobile 6 Professional and Windows Mobile 5 Phone Edition devices. Filibe Device Locator (FDL) extracts coordinates from the GPS of a remote device. If the remote device does not have GPS or the GPS signal is too low, FDL collects cell tower information to calculate an approximate position. The location of the remote device is then displayed on a map. All operations run absolutely silent on the remote device being tracked. But remember, Filibe Device Locator should not be used to track people without their prior approval.
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  3. #2


    i don't think tha prog works well. i tried it and showed instead of greece that i am in africa (with gprs signal) first time,and with gps signal that i am at indonesia




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