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  1. #11
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    I tried>>but it senses that application is not legal and thus it asks for purchase or sort of thah thing.

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  3. #12
    Master [symbian] Navigon MobileNavigator 7.2.0049  S603rd[symbian] Navigon MobileNavigator 7.2.0049  S603rd
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    Thanks for sharing, but this version seems to be a FAKE-update !!
    It's not v7.02 , but it's the older version v7.01.004 that has also been posted a few months ago !!

    I had Navignon v7.01.004 final installed on my N95 before I came to this post.
    I downloaded the Eng. version (rapidshare) and installed it.
    Upon installing, it says "v7.01(4) already installed, overwrite with v7.01(4) ???
    I installed anyway, and took a look at the version info after it was done : "v7.01.004" !!

    Than I opened the SIS in SisContent and it also says v7.01(4).

    The English version is certainly no update, it's the same as the one that has been posted a few months ago !

    The German version is a real update : shows op as 7.02 !!!
    I have no idea why the Engl. version is an older version ...
    Last edited by pat357; 15th March 2009 at 05:19 PM.
    :vac: :005:

  4. #13
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    Hi, got Navigon working a treat but can anyone tell me if this postcode works in uk map
    - CH7 4JQ its my works postcode that shows on tomtom but not in my map and also navigation voice is in german ???

  5. #14

    Default Maps

    Saw this on another and it works.

    Navigon US maps :

    1.Download hxxp://navigon.vo.llnwd.net/o25/u/us/update/1.2/win/NAVIGON_7100_Updater_Version_1.2.exe
    2.Install on empty SD card or USB stick, min 2GB
    3.Copy *.map files from there to your phone SD:/Navigon/maps
    4.Enjoy !!!

  6. #15
    Junior Member
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    Hey guys!
    After downloading the maps of Europe to my PC, I get a filemap called "Europe" (including the maps 'install', 'manuals', 'maps', 'SIS' and the files 'autorun.inf' and 'start.exe').
    Now what do I have to do to make Navigon work properly on my S60 device?

    For now, I copied the whole "Europe" map to my phone, but I then get the message: "The system couldn't find a map."
    Do I just have to copy the Europe.map file to my device? Or are there any other files needed? For instance the POI files that are included, installation files or something like that?

    I hope someone can give me an answer to these questions, 'cause I'm not getting anywhere by myself...


  7. #16



    I was able to install the software and maps successfully (US Maps) on my E71... I had it working but I need to test it while driving if it works.. but so far when I put it on, it found my current location and when I tried searching for Gas Station near me, it found the nearest one.. so it worked on that area.. however, I am curious why I can't hear any audio? I will test if audio appears when I drive.

    Also, Cathy, I don't have to activate anything here right? I just installed and opened without activating anything.




    this software works well with E71..I tried using it while driving and it is short of perfect.. the only problem I has is that the language audio is German... and also the audio starts and stops randomly... but everything else it is good..
    Last edited by rullean; 5th November 2009 at 02:31 AM.




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